Souvik Das ,
MBBS from Deben Mahata Government Medical College & Hospital (Admission batch: 2020)
Souvik Das , MBBS from Deben Mahata Government Medical College & Hospital (Admission batch: 2020) 

NEETQuest: Souvik Das

MBT Desk

Name: Souvik Das

Birth Place: West Bengal, India

Academic Qualification:  MBBS from Deben Mahata Government Medical College & Hospital, West Bengal, India (Admission batch: 2020)

  1. In which year you qualified NEET?

  2. College Name and admission batch

    Deben Mahata Government Medical College & Hospital, West Bengal, India (Admission batch: 2020)

  3. Why did you choose this profession?
    Because I feel like I was born to serve humanity.

  4. When did you actually start preparing for NEET?

    Class 11th

  5. Did you take any coaching? If yes, do you think coaching is necessary for clearing NEET?

    Yes, I took coaching, and I feel it is important too.

  6. How did you balance your school and NEET Preparation? Was it the same or you studied separately for NEET and the school examination?
    I used to focus mainly on NEET, and for school studies, I prepared mainly just before my exams.

  7. What were your sources during preparation for biology, physics, and chemistry?

    NCERT and my tuition notes.

  8. Are NCERTs sufficient for cracking NEET? What's your opinion on this?
    Yes, but you need extra question banks based on NCERT.

  9. What were the major challenges that you faced during preparation, and how did you tackle them?

    Consistency and anxiety were the two main problems. I never thought of solving them; I just used to sit down and study.

  10. Is it true that when you prepare for this exam, you have to devote 18 hours a day or something like that? Did you attend family functions or festivals, or were you always studying?

    No, it's not true. Different students have different study capacities. Some may grasp a concept within an hour, but others may take about 2-3 hours. So, it varies. I attended family functions and festivals, but I managed my study schedule accordingly.

  11. How did you keep yourself motivated during your entire journey?

    I used to dream myself in that white apron every time I felt demotivated.

  12. Did you use technology like social media or your phone during your preparation? How did you prevent yourself from Doomscroling?

    Yes, I had a phone, but I remember 6 months prior to my exam, I switched it off and handed it over to my parents to avoid distractions.

  13. What do you think is the right time to start preparation for NEET?

    Class 11th

  14. Nowadays, coaching for NEET has started from an early age (even 6th or 8th grade). What is your opinion on this?

    Not really required. Starting NEET coaching from such an early age may not be necessary.

  15. Till how many attempts should one give this exam? 

    Maximum 3 attempts are generally recommended.

  16. As the cost of pursuing an MBBS degree from a private university in India is very high, not everyone can afford it. What do you suggest someone do if they are unable to secure admission in a government college? Should they take a gap year or seek admission abroad for the same course?

    I don't suggest going abroad. Taking a gap year and trying again for government college is a better option.

  17. Your Mantra for success.

    Never give up.

  18. What advice would you like to give to NEET aspirants?
    The path is never a cakewalk, so don't get disheartened and don't stop midway. If you really dream of becoming a doctor, then the difficulties are worthy of your efforts.

  19. Do you believe that relationship hampers your selection? If yes, why? If no, then why not?

    No, healthy relationships support your preparation, and it's about finding the right balance.

  20. What is your spiciest opinion that most people disagree with?

    Being in a relationship doesn't really affect your studies. It isn't bad if you can prioritize your career and be devoted to your relationship at the same time.

  21. How would your parents describe what you do?

    They say I am indulged in one of the most prestigious professions.

  22. What do you hope the world will look like in 10 years?

    I hope it would be very convenient, and AI would slowly get infused in our day-to-day lives, making things easier and more efficient.

  23. Anything you want to share about yourself.

    Well, nothing special to share in that sense, but I really love to chase dreams and never give up on them.

(NEETQuest/Souvik Das/PB)

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