Man Came Back to Life after His Heart Stopped Beating for 50 Minutes

Ben Wilson came back to life after his heart stopped beating for nearly 50 minutes.
Ben suffered multiple heart attacks again on the seventh day after his initial attack. (Representational Image: Unsplash)
Ben suffered multiple heart attacks again on the seventh day after his initial attack. (Representational Image: Unsplash)

In an astonishing medical case, a 31-year-old man came back to life after his heart stopped beating for nearly 50 minutes. The incident occurred in South Yorkshire. As per reports, a man’s heart stopped after suffering a massive heart attack while at home.

Ben Wilson was in his flat with his 27-year-old fiancé, Rebekka Holmes, when he had the attack. Rebekka started administering CPR immediately and continued until the paramedics arrived at the site.

Upon reaching him, paramedics used a defibrillator to shock Ben 11 times in 40 minutes before finally getting a heartbeat.

Ultimately, Ben was taken to Barnsley Hospital but then transferred to Northern General Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery. Rebekka said that it didn’t look good for him due to his unhealthy lifestyle.

Ben suffered multiple heart attacks again on the seventh day after his initial attack, and the doctors again told Rebekka that he would not make it.

Ben finally came out of the coma after five weeks, despite having had heart attacks, kidney failure, blood clots, and seizures. Not just that, he purportedly left the doctors shocked when he stood up by himself.

Rebekka started administering CPR immediately and continued until the paramedics arrived at the site. (Representational Image: Unsplash)
Rebekka started administering CPR immediately and continued until the paramedics arrived at the site. (Representational Image: Unsplash)

The Metro reported that the first word Ben said after coming out of the coma was Rebekka, who is his fiancé's name.

The incident happened last year in June. After months of being admitted to the hospital, followed by rehabilitation, Ben finally came back home a few days ago. Now he is planning his wedding with Rebekka.

While talking about how his fiancé stood by him during this difficult time, Ben said that he is so grateful for everybody allowing him to be here today and for Rebekka being there. He doesn’t know what would have happened to him if she had walked away. He has a second chance at life, and he is going to take it with Rebekka by his side.

(Input from various sources)

(Rehash/Komal Bhoi/MSM)

Ben suffered multiple heart attacks again on the seventh day after his initial attack. (Representational Image: Unsplash)
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