The art of revitalizing and rejuvenating is called "Rasayana Chikitsa," where the drugs mentioned under this concept are used against a plethora of seemingly diverse disorders.
The art of revitalizing and rejuvenating is called "Rasayana Chikitsa," where the drugs mentioned under this concept are used against a plethora of seemingly diverse disorders. Unsplash

The Invention of Rejuvenation (Rasayana Chikitsa) and Common Drugs Exhibiting this Property

Dr. Keerthi S Narayan

The preliminary motive for initiating the ancient science of Ayurveda was and is to prevent diseases. As a holistic health system, Ayurveda emphasizes the prevention of disease, preservation of health, and cure after encountering disease.

Acharyas and Vaidyas (Ancient Ayurvedic Physicians) developed certain dietary and therapeutic measures to arrest/ delay the process of aging and rejuvenate the whole functional dynamics of the body system. The art of revitalizing and rejuvenating is called "Rasayana Chikitsa," where the drugs mentioned under this concept are used against a plethora of seemingly diverse disorders. It is a wonderful treatment protocol for nourishing the body which deals with maintaining physical and mental health, strengthening the body against diseases, building immunity, and rejuvenating the body.

Here's a list of drugs mentioned in Ayurvedic texts which exhibit the property of rejuvenation:

  •  Nootropic drugs (Drugs used to enhance memory or other cognitive functions/ Brain boosters/ Memory enhancers) - Group of herbs with multi-fold benefits, specifically to improve memory and intellect. These are readily available in the market.

1. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) -

It is popular for its wondrous effects on the brain which helps alleviate anxiety, and is also known in the treatment of Epilepsy.

Brahmi leaves with flower

2. Yashtimadhu/Licorice root/Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra) -

One of the dearest go-to medicine popularly used by classical Indian singers owing to its soothing property. It has significantly improved learning and memory in scopolamine-induced dementia.

Licorice root

3. Ash gourd / Winter melon / Safed petha (Benincasa hispida) -

Fruit that belongs to the pumpkin family of the gourd (Cucurbitaceae). Rich in antioxidants and is tissue-protective.

Winter melon is a great source of potassium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, sodium, manganese, calcium

4. Vacha (Acorus calamus) -

The rhizome of this plant has been used for ages in the Indian and Chinese systems of medicine, specifically in Central Nervous System disorders. It has been proven for its analgesic, anti-convulsant, and sedative effects. Also helps improve speech and hence, is administered in babies.

Acorus calamus/ sweet flag has a strong sweet odour
  • Drugs are used to augment the quality of skin and hair

  • 5. Triphala (Amla, Harad, Baheda) -

    A combo of fruits of three medicinal plants with multi-dimensional use. In short, regular judicious use of Triphala aids in digestion. It is good for the skin, eyes, and liver.

A combo of fruits of three medicinal plants with multi-dimensional use

6. Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba) -

Also known as 'Keshraj' or 'King of the hair" is noted for it's powerful effects on hair, and extends beyond to benefit the central nervous system too.

Eclipta alba - Also known as 'Keshraj' or 'King of the hair" is noted for it's powerful effects on hair

All herbs that are mentioned in Ayurveda have a significant role to play in a specific system of the body, and emphasis has been laid on the judicious use of these drugs daily, failure of which can be precarious.

Safe-to-use drugs on daily basis, in your mind?




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