Dr. Mahalakshmi Sivashankaran,

BDS from Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, India (2016-2021)
Dr. Mahalakshmi Sivashankaran, BDS from Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, India (2016-2021) 

DentiSight - Dr. Mahalakshmi Sivashankaran

Priya Bairagi

Name:  Dr. Mahalakshmi Sivashankaran

Birth Place: Chennai, India

Educational Qualification: BDS from Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, India (2016-2021)

Languages you speak or write: English, Hindi and Tamil

What are you doing presently?

I worked as a Junior Resident at VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital in New Delhi, at the Department of Dental Surgery, where I performed various dental procedures such as restorations, extractions, radiographic analysis, fabrication of prostheses, and root canal treatments. Following that, I worked as a Medical Content Writer at Medical Dialogues in New Delhi. My job involved researching medical journals and summarizing medical research into articles for healthcare professionals.

I am an incoming MHSA (Health Services Administration) student at the University of Michigan in the USA. My program is set to begin in August 2023.

What’s the best part of your profession? What made you choose this profession?

As a child, I was mesmerized by the human body and inner workings of body. My favorite subjects in school were Biology and Art. When it came time to choose between Medicine and Dentistry, I opted for dentistry because it is amalgamation of science, art, and engineering and choosing dentistry as a profession was a decision because passion for healthcare, my desire to improve people's lives, and my fascination with the intricacies of oral health.

Healthcare is constantly evolving with advancements in technology and research, providing opportunities for continuous learning and professional growth. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the healthcare industry to its core, prompting me to make a career switch to Health and Health Services Management. I believe this field will allow me to contribute to the broader healthcare landscape and make a positive impact on people's lives.

What is the best part about being a dental student/professional?

The best aspect of being a dental student is the remarkable combination of intellectual challenges, hands-on learning, and the chance to make a positive impact on individuals' lives. Through meticulous training, dental students acquire the ability to carefully measure facial symmetries and angles, discern between different colors and textures, and alleviate pain to create the perfect smile.

One of the most heartwarming experiences I have encountered as a dental professional was witnessing the sheer joy on the faces of elderly patients when they wore their dentures for the first time and regained the ability to chew their food comfortably.

How do you like spending your free time?

I am a self-taught artist and I enjoy dedicating my free time to drawing and painting. I have a keen interest in reading articles, historical books, and non-fiction literature. I find great value in watching TED talks, as they provide me with opportunities to learn more about a wide range of topics, including technology, science, mental health, and productivity.

Which is your favorite subject in dentistry and why?

Prosthodontics quickly became my favorite subject in dentistry due to its captivating fusion of artistry, innovation, and patient-centric care. Each case presents a unique challenge that requires a meticulous approach from start to finish. During my college years, I found this subject to be demanding both in terms of practical work and theoretical understanding. However, once I entered the professional realm, I began to appreciate the practical applications of the preclinical work I had performed.

The ability to restore smiles and enhance the quality of life for individuals who have lost teeth or suffer from dental impairments is truly fulfilling. In the field of prosthodontics, I am able to apply my technical skills and keen attention to detail to craft personalized dental prostheses, such as dentures, dental implants, and dental bridges. These restorations seamlessly blend with the natural dentition, resulting in improved aesthetics and functionality.

Dr. Mahalakshmi Sivashankaran

What is your least favorite subject?

I must confess that Endodontics is my least favorite subject. The field of Endodontics primarily revolves around the study and treatment of dental pulp and root canal-related issues. It presents a distinctive set of challenges that I find less personally captivating. The complex nature of root canal procedures and the microscopic intricacies involved demand exceptional precision and attention to detail, which can be mentally and physically demanding.

What are some studying tips you use to retain and understand things better?

I found several useful tips that greatly aided my learning process. One of these tips was watching YouTube videos, which allowed me to grasp the 3D structure of anatomy in a way that books alone couldn't adequately explain. Additionally, understanding the sequential steps involved in surgical procedures enabled me to visualize and retain information while writing my answers.

I also discovered the effectiveness of mnemonic devices, especially when it came to memorizing drug names in pharmacology. Using clever associations and memory aids significantly enhanced my retention of the subject matter. Furthermore, utilizing flow charts proved to be an excellent strategy for condensing information into concise sentences, which in turn boosted my ability to retain important concepts.

Which dental procedure(s) you enjoy/anticipate doing the most?

I was excited about the prospect of undertaking new cases in the Prosthodontics department. Developing a tailored treatment plan based on the patient's specific needs and clinical presentation, as well as constructing dental models and crafting custom dentures, brought me immense satisfaction.

Moreover, I thoroughly enjoyed working in the Oral Surgery department. The art of tooth extraction, which seamlessly combines the principles of physics within a clinical setting, fascinated me. The application of precise force and the utilization of an appropriate fulcrum to extract a tooth from its socket proved to be an enthralling experience.

What do you enjoy more, doing an RCT or extracting teeth?

I derive more enjoyment from performing tooth extractions compared to conducting root canal treatments (RCTs). The demand for extreme precision and meticulous attention to microscopic details has not aligned with my personal preferences. Conversely, the process of tooth extraction has consistently brought me joy. It necessitates the application of calculated force and understanding of anatomical structures and the laws of physics. There is a sense of serenity in successfully extracting a tooth without damaging the root. Nevertheless, it is essential to approach each case as unique and consider the preexisting clinical presentation to ensure optimal treatment.

What are some challenges you face in your professional field?

As a recent dental graduate, I encountered various challenges when it came to finding a job that offered both satisfactory compensation and suitable working conditions. It took numerous interviews and participation in resume-building courses before I finally secured a position. One significant issue in the dental field is the considerable pay gap, where opportunities for substantial income can be limited without a master's degree. The scope for career growth can be restricted without pursuing further education or specialization within the dental field.

How would your friends describe you?

People who are familiar with me would describe me as an outgoing, approachable, loyal, and humorous individual. I take great pleasure in participating in conversations and genuinely listening to others, offering them a supportive and attentive ear.

I adhere to a strict oral hygiene routine, which includes brushing my teeth twice a day. I also utilize a tongue cleaner to prevent bad breath, and I make it a point to use mouthwash before brushing to enhance oral freshness. I incorporate regular flossing into my routine to avoid the buildup of plaque.
Dr. Mahalakshmi Sivashankaran

What has been the best/ most memorable moment in your dental school so far?

The most cherished memories from dental school revolve around the friendships I cultivated during that time. We provided unwavering support to one another during practical sessions, whether it involved tasks such as wax carving, teeth settings, wire bending, or taking impressions. There were moments when we even helped each other with our work. Late-night study sessions became a norm as we prepared for exams, with the camaraderie extending to being each other's alarm clocks. We made anatomy come alive by becoming each other's first dummy patients, aiding in the learning process. Participating in college fests added an extra layer of enjoyment and shared experiences to our time together.

Has dentistry impacted your food choices? Like, do you consume less sugary and sticky food items?

Gaining knowledge about the pathology and microbiology of the oral cavity has had a significant impact on my dietary choices. I have adopted a strict oral care regimen and made conscious efforts to avoid consuming sweet and sticky foods at night. I am diligent about rinsing my mouth after eating any food item to maintain oral hygiene.

As a dental health professional, what is your dental health care regime?

I adhere to a strict oral hygiene routine, which includes brushing my teeth twice a day. I also utilize a tongue cleaner to prevent bad breath, and I make it a point to use mouthwash before brushing to enhance oral freshness. I incorporate regular flossing into my routine to avoid the buildup of plaque.

If given a choice, what alternate career would you have opted for?

If given the opportunity to switch careers, I would likely choose to pursue a path in Microbiology or Biotechnology.

Where would you like to work in the future?

As I stand on the precipice of a career shift, my aspirations lean towards working as a healthcare administrator in a hospital, becoming a consultant at a healthcare consultancy firm, or venturing into the field of health insurance.

What is your dream travel destination?

I have an ardent desire to explore the entire world, but currently, Japan and Turkey hold the top positions on my travel wishlist.

The art of tooth extraction, which seamlessly combines the principles of physics within a clinical setting, fascinated me. The application of precise force and the utilization of an appropriate fulcrum to extract a tooth from its socket proved to be an enthralling experience.
Dr. Mahalakshmi Sivashankaran

Tell us a secret talent(s) that the world does not know about you.

I have a remarkable aptitude for embracing and adapting to new technologies, continuously enhancing my knowledge and proficiency in their utilization. Given the constantly evolving nature of technology, my innate curiosity and motivation to learn empower me to stay abreast of advancements in this fast-paced and rapidly changing era. Presently, I am particularly focused on comprehending the intricacies of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and its potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry in the future.

What are you not very good at?

I frequently encounter challenges in effectively organizing and prioritizing tasks, which can impede my ability to plan and execute them seamlessly.

A quote that resonates deeply with you?

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." - Socrates

This quote by Socrates embodies a profound philosophical insight into the boundaries of knowledge and human understanding. It serves as a reminder that true intellectual growth and understanding arise from acknowledging the immense expanse of the unknown and nurturing a sense of curiosity and openness. For me, this quote encapsulates the essence of the continuous pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of my curiosities about the world.

(DentiSight/Dr. Mahalakshmi Sivashankaran /PB)

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