Dr. Jay K. Sheth, Associate Professor, Community Medicine, Narendra Modi Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Dr. Jay K. Sheth, Associate Professor, Community Medicine, Narendra Modi Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India 

Med-Teacher - Dr. Jay K. Sheth

MBT Desk

Name: Dr. Jay K. Sheth

Educational Qualifications: MBBS & MD from Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad (Gujarat University), India;

ACME from MCI Nodal Centre – CMC, Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Current Position: Associate Professor, Community Medicine Department, Member Secretary Institutional Review Board, Member-Medical Education Unit, External Resource person – NMC Nodal Centre for Faculty Development at NHLMMC, Nodal Officer of Admission Help Centre under ACPUGMEC and ACPPGMEC, Narendra Modi Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

  1. Where are you working currently?

    Department of Community Medicine, Narendra Modi Medical College (Previously known as AMC MET Medical College), Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

  2. What are your areas of interest within your profession? 

    Teaching, Training & Research. I am equally interested in all academic activities.

  3. Things that you are passionate about concerning the clinical/research/current aspects of your profession: 

    I am equally passionate about teaching undergraduates and postgraduates. I love to contribute to imparting training to medical and paramedical personnel.

  4. What made you choose teaching or mentoring as a profession?  

    I always try to give my best in whatever I do, and I love teaching. My approach is detailed and thorough and I think I am the best fit for my job profile.

  5. According to your experience, what is more important: getting good scores or acquiring knowledge? 

    According to me, Good scores do not always ensure success. Getting clear concepts and thorough knowledge of your field is important to be successful in your career.

  6. Any 3 topics/subjects that you like the most: 

    Based on my past exposures to various training and acquired skills, I have gained mastery over multiple topics. However, to enlist, Biomedical Waste, Burnout Management, Medical Education Technology, and Research methodology are some of the topics that I like to address the most.

  7. Any 3 topics/subjects that you dislike/ detest the most: 

    None to express here. My role is to give my best in teaching my students, irrespective of my likes or dislikes for the topic.

  8. What are your fields of interest in Research/clinical practice?  

    As part of my job profile, I have got extensive exposure to various trainings, field activities, surveys, field visits, and evaluation activities. I am very good at trainings on Medical Certification of Cause of Death (MCCD), Verbal Autopsy, Fundamentals of Research, Quality Assessment, supportive supervision and evaluations of various National Health Programmes, HIV Counselling, Reproductive and Child health activities, Biomedical waste, Immunization, etc. You can get a detailed CV at: https://sites.google.com/view/jaykshethcv/home

  9. What are your career goals or expectations? 

    I wish to give my best in whatever I do. I believe in a totalistic attitude rather than being a perfectionist. I bother less about achievements but focus more on contributions and inputs from my side. Being satisfied by our own efforts is more important for me than being an achiever.

  10. What would you be doing if not for the current profession?

    I can't imagine this very clearly.

  11. What do you like to do in your leisure time?

    I like to play chess, write something personally, or get my things organized/arranged. I love reading good quotes and motivational/Inspirational things.

  12. What change would you like to bring about in the Education sector?
    I would wish for more competent medical graduates, skillful enough for basic needs, confident in practicing what is learned, and competent enough with communication skills and ethics. I would wish to see future doctors being more compassionate and concerned.

  13. What is your Mantra for success?
    Continuously honing your skills, getting mastery over other and associated aspects (lateral skill development), and being effective in multi-tasking are some of the important things to achieve success.

  14. Who do you idolize and why?

    Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this. It is difficult for me to idolize anyone completely. For me, an idol is from whom I learn, is all and none at the same time. I do not see anyone to completely idolize, but at the same time, I try to admire and learn the good things from each and everyone, no matter who that person is.

  15. Kindly mention your Publication(s), if any:
    I have got more than 50 publications to my name. My publications are present on Google Scholar, Research Gate, and ORCID profile and many of them are on Pubmed. You can get details here (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jay-Sheth-5)

  16. Kindly mention your achievements or awards:
    I received a special appreciation award from the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat on 7th April 2009 (World Health Day) for my distinguished work as State Routine Immunization Monitor (SRIM) in the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) Area. I was also felicitated by the Municipal Commissioner of Ahmedabad on the Republic Day celebration on 26th January 2021 as an appreciation of my duties as a Corona warrior and coordinator for Corona control activities for the Covid-19 pandemic in the AMC area.

  17. And finally, what message would you like to give to today's youth?

    Keep learning and keep doing good. Have faith, have patience, be creative, be grateful. Stay happy, and don’t compare. You will surely succeed sooner or later.

(MedTeacher - AP)

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