Contact dermatitis is an itchy rash or skin inflammation caused by exposure to physical or chemical irritants.(Image: Pixabay)
Contact dermatitis is an itchy rash or skin inflammation caused by exposure to physical or chemical irritants.(Image: Pixabay) 
Fitness and Wellness

What is Contact Dermatitis?

Dr. Shweta Kapote

Contact dermatitis is an itchy rash or skin inflammation caused by exposure to physical or chemical irritants.

 Types of contact dermatitis:

1) Allergic contact dermatitis

It is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction, and it may take several days for a red, itchy rash to appear following exposure. Common allergens include 

·      Preservatives

·      Fragrances

·      Acrylate allergy associated with nail cosmetics

·      Watches and jewelry made from gold or nickel

·      Poison ivy or poison oak

·      Cosmetic products

 2) Irritant contact dermatitis

It is most common type of dermatitis. Rash may occur within minutes or hours or several days after exposure to toxic substances. Common causes of irritant dermatitis are:

·      Detergents or soaps

·      Occupational irritants

·      Bleach

·      Battery acids

·      Drain cleaner

·      Resins or plastics

·      Hair products like dyes, shampoos, and bath products

·      Solvents such as thinners, kerosene

Allergy associated with cosmetic products (Representational Image: Pixabay)

Symptoms of contact dermatitis

 ·     Blisters that may ooze fluids 

·      Erythema (Redness)

·      Dry, flaky, scaly skin

·      Vesicles and bullae

·      Itching

·      Burning skin

·      Swelling

·      Blotchy rashes

·      Red, raised bumps (Hives)

·      Creases on the palms of the hands

Contact dermatitis can cause creases on the palms of the hands.(Image: Unsplash)

How is Eczema diagnosed?

·      Clinical examination

·      Patch testing

·      PUT (Provocative Use Test)/ ROAT (Repeated Open Application test)

·      Skin biopsy

 Treatment and Medication may include:

·      Topical corticosteroids

·      Calcineurin inhibitors

·      JAK inhibitors

·      Oral immunosuppressants

·      Biologic

·      Phototherapy

·      Oral antihistamine

Talk to your healthcare practitioner about how to identify the root cause, minimize exposure, and avert reactions as contact dermatitis can be extremely painful and uncomfortable.

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