Dr. Anjali Singh, Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) from King George's Medical University, Lucknow, India (Admission Batch: 2017)
Dr. Anjali Singh, Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) from King George's Medical University, Lucknow, India (Admission Batch: 2017) 

DentiSight - Dr. Anjali Singh

MBT Desk

Please tell your full name

Dr. Anjali Singh

Birthplace and country:

Kanpur, India

Academic Qualification(s) with name of Institute(s) and year of admission/exit- 

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) from King George's Medical University, Lucknow, India (Admission Batch: 2017)

Languages you speak or write:

English, Hindi, Gujarati

What do you do? 

I work full time as Patient Engagement Manager at Clove Dental in Delhi and part time as a medical journalist and medical content writer at MedBound Times.

What prompted you to choose this profession? 

It was a childhood dream and an inherent desire to serve the society in whichever way I could, that led me towards this profession.

What is the best part about being a dental student/professional? 

The best part is interacting with the patients and consulting with them. The satisfaction at the end of the day that I could help patients in relieving some of the pain and agony that they were experiencing, is a very wholesome feeling and the best part about my profession.

How do you like spending your free time? 

I like to read books in my free time. They are my gateway to the fictional world when the real world gets too much for me.

Which is your favorite subject in dentistry and why? 

My favorite subject in dentistry is Public Health Dentistry because it focuses on the community as a whole rather than an individual patient. Health For All goal is something I am truly passionate about and public health dentistry is the subject which holds the power to achieve this goal. 

Which is your least favorite subject in dentistry?

My least favorite subject is Dental Materials because it's very theoretical and a very dry subject.

What are some studying tips you use to retain and understand things better?

I try pomodoro technique for studying as well as using mnemonics in dentistry helps a lot to retain classifications and difficult topics. Self-test is another thing that helps me retain things.

Which dental procedure(s) you enjoy/anticipate doing the most?

Tooth extraction is something I really enjoy doing.

What do you enjoy more, performing a root canal treatment (RCT) or extracting teeth? 

I like extracting tooth more than RCT because people say it requires a lot of strength to extract a teeth and girls don't have the required strength to carry out an extraction, but I like proving people wrong because it's the technique that matters the most. 

What are some challenges you face in your professional field?

Finance is a challenge that dental health professionals generally face because setting up a clinic requires investment. Also, just like any other field there is a lot of competition and saturation in this field as well.

How would your friends describe you? 

Funny, talkative, and extremely clumsy.

What has been the best/ most memorable moment in your dental school so far?

My most memorable and cherishable moments are spent with my friends in dental school and apart from that it was when I was awarded with medal as a university rank holder. My family was quite proud of me and seeing them so pleased brought me great joy.

Has dentistry impacted your food choices? Like, do you consume less sugary and sticky food items? 

I have a sweet tooth but yes, it has impacted my food choices. I have started to cut down sugar from my daily life and I also try to avoid eating anything sweet after 7 o'clock at night and steer clear of carbonated beverages in general.

As a dental health professional, what is your dental health care regime? 

Brushing twice daily and flossing once in the night is my dental care regime.

If given a choice, what alternate career would you have opted for?

Because I adore reading, I would have chosen a career in literature as a publisher or copy editor, or I would have chosen law because I make good arguments.

Where would you like to work in the future? 

I want to work abroad in the future, preferably USA!  

What is your dream travel destination?

My dream travel destination is Europe! I want to travel all throughout Europe but London in particular is my favorite!  

What is something you wish to change about the world?

Everyone should have access to free healthcare and education, as these are fundamental human rights that are due to everyone. I want the world to be a better and safer place for girls and women.

A quote that resonates deeply with you? 

Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.


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