Dr. Versha Chaudhary, Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), from Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, (Admission Batch: 2015)
Dr. Versha Chaudhary, Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), from Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, (Admission Batch: 2015) 

DentiSight- Dr. Versha Chaudhary

MBT Desk

Please tell your full name

Dr. Versha Chaudhary

Birthplace and country:


Academic Qualification(s) with name of Institute(s) and year of admission/exit- 

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), from Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, (Admission Batch: 2015)

Languages you speak or write:

English, Hindi

What do you do? 

Currently, I am working as an associate dentist.

What prompted you to choose this profession? 

My desire to help others prompted me to choose this profession. Dentistry allows me to directly help people by alleviating their dental pain, improving their oral function, and enhancing their self-confidence. Being able to improve someone's quality of life through dental care is incredibly rewarding.

What is the best part about being a dental student/professional? 

As a dental doctor, I have the opportunity to forge meaningful connections with my patients. I listen to their concerns, educate them about oral health practices, and work collaboratively to develop personalized treatment plans. Building trust and rapport allows me to provide compassionate care and support to my patients, not only by addressing their dental needs but also by considering their overall well-being.

How do you like spending your free time? 

In my free time, I absolutely love painting and listening to music. Painting lets me be creative and make beautiful art, and it also helps me relax. Music is like a special getaway that makes me feel happy and inspired and puts a smile on my face. Whether I'm painting or listening to music, these activities make me feel good inside and bring me moments of joy and peace.

Which is your favorite subject in dentistry and why? 

Public health dentistry is one of my favorite dental topics. This field intrigues me because it has the potential to have a substantial influence on community health. Beyond providing individual care, public health dentistry concentrates on tackling oral health problems at a population level while taking into account social determinants of health. I have a special affinity for this topic since it acknowledges that variables other than individual choices have an impact on dental health. We can enhance the outcomes for oral health by comprehending and tackling these larger social, economic, and environmental variables.

Which is your least favorite subject in dentistry?

To be honest, biochemistry is not my favorite subject in dentistry. I find it quite challenging and, at times, even a bit boring. The complex nature of molecular structures and chemical reactions can be overwhelming, requiring a lot of focus and concentration to truly understand the concepts. It can be difficult to stay engaged and enthusiastic when diving into the intricate details of biochemistry.

What are some studying tips you use to retain and understand things better?

I have effective strategies for retaining and understanding information: concise writing, classifying key points, regular revision, and structuring answers step-by-step. These techniques enhance my learning and make it easier to remember and comprehend the material.

Which dental procedure(s) you enjoy/anticipate doing the most?

For me, extracting teeth would be my top choice in terms of the work I do.

What do you enjoy more, doing a RCT or extracting teeth? 

Personally, I find dental extractions more enjoyable than performing root canal treatments. The reason for this preference is that tooth extractions often provide immediate relief to the patient, alleviating their pain or discomfort. Additionally, the extraction process allows for a clear and tangible resolution of the dental issue, which can be satisfying for both the patient and the dentist.

What are some challenges you face in your professional field?

Dental doctors in India face challenges due to a lack of oral health awareness, which leads to difficulty in encouraging regular dental visits and preventive care. Financial constraints further hinder patients from affording necessary treatments, impacting dentists' career growth. However, dentists are actively addressing these challenges by promoting oral health education and advocating for affordable care options.

How would your friends describe you? 

My friends would describe me as a multifaceted person with a mostly helping nature. They know that I can experience different moods and emotions, but at my core, I always strive to be helpful and supportive to those around me.

What has been the best/ most memorable moment in your dental school so far?

The most memorable moment in my dental school journey so far was undoubtedly the annual day celebration during my second year. It was an exceptional occasion when our batch had the honor of representing our college at the prestigious AIIMS Retina Function. The event was filled with excitement, talent, and camaraderie as we showcased our skills and creativity through various performances and presentations. It was a proud moment for our batch, and the experience left a lasting impression, reminding us of the incredible opportunities and achievements that await us in the field of dentistry.

Has dentistry impacted your food choices? Like, do you consume less sugary and sticky food items? 

As a dentist, I've made healthier food choices. I now opt for nutritious foods like fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and dairy products. Cutting back on sugary and sticky foods helps maintain good oral and overall health.

As a dental health professional, what is your dental health care regime? 

I take good care of my teeth by brushing with appropriate toothpaste twice a day and flossing every day to keep my teeth and gums healthy.

If given a choice, what alternate career would you have opted for?

If I had to choose an alternative career, I would consider becoming a public health practitioner or an infection prevention specialist. I find great value in promoting and safeguarding the health of communities. Working in public health would allow me to focus on preventive measures, health education, and implementing strategies to prevent the spread of infections. This field would provide me with the opportunity to make a broader impact on the well-being of individuals and populations, beyond the scope of dental care.

Where would you like to work in the future? 

In the future, I would love to work with the World Health Organization (WHO). This opportunity would allow me to contribute on a global scale and address health disparities across different regions. Collaborating with WHO would provide me with a wide-reaching platform to make a meaningful impact and promote better healthcare for all.

What is your dream travel destination?

I've always dreamed of visiting Amsterdam. Its beautiful canals, old buildings, and vibrant atmosphere attract me. I want to explore the streets, see famous places, and experience the unique art, culture, and tasty food that Amsterdam has to offer.

What is something you wish to change about the world?

One thing I wish to change about the world is government policies, particularly those related to education and healthcare, both in India and globally. I believe there is a need to reform outdated rules and regulations that hinder progress in these sectors. Additionally, the high cost of education can be a significant barrier for many young individuals, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds. I aspire to see more accessible and affordable education opportunities for all, ensuring that no one is denied the chance to pursue their dreams due to financial constraints. By addressing these issues, we can create a more equitable and inclusive society where everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive.

A quote that resonates deeply with you? 

"Keep moving forward, despite the hurdles, and trust your instincts."

This quote deeply resonates with me as it reminds me of the importance of perseverance and self-trust. In the face of obstacles or challenges, it encourages me to maintain a forward momentum, never allowing setbacks to deter me from pursuing my goals and dreams. It also emphasizes the significance of listening to my inner voice, following my instincts, and trusting my own judgment when making decisions. This quote serves as a constant reminder to stay resilient, remain true to myself, and continue striving for success, even in the face of adversity.


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