Himani Negi, B.Pharmacy
Himani Negi, B.Pharmacy 

Med-Sight - Himani Negi

MedBound Times

Name: Himani Negi

Academic Qualification: Bachelor of Pharmacy (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumaun University) (2018-2022)

MedBound Handle: negimh1

  1. What do you do?

    Currently, I am working as a Trainee Content Writer/Copy Editor at MedBound Times.

  2. What’s the best part of your profession? What made you choose this profession?

    Honestly, I don't know. I actually enjoy everything. Because I never thought even in my wildest dreams that I would be a content writer any day. I would say I didn't choose this profession but the profession chose me. Thanks to the various internship going on at MBT I got this golden opportunity to do an internship there and discovered something which I actually like. Otherwise, I would be going on a conventional path just because I did some courses. I think you must gain experience and join various new things. Otherwise, you will never know what is actually you want and what excites you.

  3. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?

    Ya, I do. But it's not like a particular genre book. I read whatever I am getting interested in. It includes my textbook too. Currently, it's more of news, journals, and so on.

  4. What is your favorite dish?
    Whatever my mom cooks.

  5. Describe yourself using 3 words

    1)Still 2)exploring 3)myself.

  6. What is your least favourite subject?

    Pharmacognosy, I love nature and plants but couldn't remember their constituents and microscopy, no matter how hard I tried.

  7. What’s something you wish to change about the world?

    Everyone minding their own business. Less pretentious, more real.

  8. If your journey was/were a movie, what would it be called?

    "Jack of all trades, master of none"

  9. What are you passionate about?

    It should be what I am not passionate about. I love everything. Whether it's painting, sketching, dancing, singing, or writing. I am someone who is always ready to learn new things. For me, passion means something which I enjoy and like.

  10. Best/memorable moment

    Every moment when my parent smile because of me, that moment is every time a memorable one.

  11. What do you love to do in your leisure time?

    I record my singing videos and delete them after watching them 1000 times.

  12. What do you hate the most?

    When people don't mind their own business. And stop living life the way they want just because of this mere thought of what others would say.

  13. If given a choice, what alternate career would you have opted for?

    Maybe an actor doing various different acts. Then, I would have lived or explored the life of different professions and different people. Sometimes, I am a doctor somewhere I am the police or maybe a villain in some role. I know it's not real but ya why not.

  14. Finally, a Quote you relate to.

    'Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.' - John Lennon.

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