Ritika Bisht, BSc Nursing from Lakshmi Bai Batra College of Nursing, New Delhi, India (Admission Batch: 2019)
Ritika Bisht, BSc Nursing from Lakshmi Bai Batra College of Nursing, New Delhi, India (Admission Batch: 2019) 

MedSight - Ritika Bisht

MBT Desk

Name: Ritika Bisht

Birth Place: Delhi

Academic Qualification:  BSc Nursing from Lakshmi Bai Batra College of Nursing, New Delhi, India (Admission Batch: 2019)

Languages you speak or write: English

  1. What do you do?
    I am pursuing BSc Nursing from Lakshmi Bai Batra College of Nursing.

  2. What’s the best part of your profession? What made you choose this profession?
    The best part of my profession is being able to care for patients. I chose this profession because I have a deep passion for helping others and making a positive impact on their lives.

  3. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?

    Yes, I enjoy reading. The last thing I read was a psychiatry book.

  4. What is your favorite dish?

    My favorite dish is momos.

  5. How would your friends describe you?

    My friends would describe me as cooperative.

  6. Who would you like to travel with?

    I would like to travel with my family or friends.

  7. What is your least favorite subject?

    My least favorite subject is pediatrics.

  8. Your favorite subjects?

    My favorite subjects are obstetrics and gynecology.

  9. What’s something you wish to change about the world?
    I wish to make a positive change in the environment and promote sustainability.

  10. If your journey were a movie, what would it be called?
    "A Rollercoaster Ride."

  11. What are you passionate about?
    I am passionate about my profession as a nurse and providing care to patients.

  12. Best/memorable moment?
    My best and most memorable moments are spent with my friends.

  13. What do you love to do in your leisure time?
    In my leisure time, I love to sleep.

  14. What do you hate the most?
    I dislike waking up early.

  15. If given a choice, what alternate career would you have opted for?

    I wouldn't choose an alternate career, as I am passionate about nursing.

  16. What is your dream travel destination?

    My dream travel destination is Korea.

  17. Where would you like to work in the future?

    I would like to work in a hospital in the future.

  18. Finally, a quote you relate to.

    "A nurse is an angel with a stethoscope."

    (MedSight/Ritika Bisht /PB)

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