The diversity of this amazing yet bizarre world continues to amaze us. A 19-year-old woman has given birth to twins from two different fathers on the same day (Unsplash)
The diversity of this amazing yet bizarre world continues to amaze us. A 19-year-old woman has given birth to twins from two different fathers on the same day (Unsplash) 
MedBound Blog

19-year-old woman gives birth to twins from two different fathers!

Dr. Amey Patil

The diversity of this amazing yet bizarre world continues to amaze us. A 19-year-old woman has given birth to twins from two different fathers on the same day.

Confusing much? The rare phenomenon has taken the entire internet by storm. The incident happened in Mineiros, Brazil.

The teenage woman had intercourse with two men on the same day. She then found out that she was pregnant with twins. She decided to take a paternity test to understand who the actual father of the twins was.

The paternity test confirmed that her babies were actually from two different men. The young mother couldn't believe this was even possible.

"I was surprised by the results. I didn't know this could happen. They are very similar", she said. "I remembered that I had had sex with another man and called him to take the test, which was positive", she added.

The doctor in charge of this particular case confirmed the particular scenario. Dr. Tulio Jorge Franco says that it's a "one in a million" situation.

"It is possible to happen when two eggs from the same mother are fertilized by different men. The babies share the mother's genetic material, but they grow in different placentas", he said.

He added: "It's extremely rare. It's one in a million. I never imagined that I would see a case like this in my life."

The phenomenon is scientifically called "heteroparental superfecundation". According to the doctor, there are only around 20 such cases in the entire world.

The mother said that one of the two men is officially registering at the registry office and is taking care of both children (Unsplash)

The mother said that one of the two men is officially registering at the registry office and is taking care of both children.

"He takes care of both of them, helps me a lot to create, and gives them all the necessary support they need", she said.

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