Man dies choking on a Momo, AIIMS takes over the investigation (representational image - Unsplash)
Man dies choking on a Momo, AIIMS takes over the investigation (representational image - Unsplash) 
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Man dies choking on a Momo, AIIMS takes over the investigation

Dr. Amey Patil

Momos have taken over the Indian street food industry. These versions of dumplings have been ruling the Indian streets for the past few years. They can be stuffed with either chicken, paneer, or vegetables and can be steamed, fried, or kept in a tandoor.

They can be stuffed with either chicken, paneer, or vegetables (Pixabay)

The versatility calls for perfect Indian street food. However, little do you know, these bite-sized dumplings can lead to something as catastrophic as death? As confusing as it may sound, it has actually happened. To add to the magnitude of the situation, even the prestigious AIIMS had to intervene.

The curious case

A man in his 50s passed away by choking after eating a momo. Post Mortem Computed Tomography (PMCT) stated the cause of death to be a “foreign body lodged in the upper airway”.

Choking occurs when a foreign body is too large to enter the trachea, due to which it gets lodged in the bottom part of the tube connecting the food pipe and windpipe (posterior hypopharynx). In simple terms, instead of the food going into the food pipe, it went into the windpipe, thus resulting in choking.

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The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi published a report on this case. AIIMS has reminded people to chew properly. If food is not chewed properly, it can lead to choking hazards. Such accidents, even though rare, can also occur with other food items, therefore, food must be chewed properly and vigilantly.

If food is not chewed properly, it can lead to choking hazards (representational image - Unsplash)

Other benefits of chewing food

Chewing food properly has other benefits as well. Apart from aiding in the proper digestion of food, it also facilitates the proper absorption of nutrients. Furthermore, it releases digestive enzymes that help to break down food so that our bodies can convert it into energy.
Not only that, but it can also help to prevent over-eating and other digestive issues like gas, constipation, bloating, etc.

Also read Slump in junk food consumption among teenagers; trends reversed

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