Dentist to Content Creator: Dr. Jasmine Singh's Journey, Insights & Vision for Dentistry in India

“Doctor Battisi" is just not me; it is my patients who have beautiful battisi (set of 32 teeth) and my fellow dentists who help patients by creating beautiful smile - Dr. Jasmine Singh
Dr. Jasmine Singh, BDS from  ITS Dental College, Greater Noida, YouTuber, Content Creator
Dr. Jasmine Singh, BDS from ITS Dental College, Greater Noida, YouTuber, Content Creator

Dr. Jasmine Singh is a practicing dentist based in Delhi. In 2018, she emerged as one of the pioneering dental bloggers in India. She earned her bachelor's degree from ITS Dental College, Greater Noida, between 2012 and 2018. Beyond her practice, she has made significant strides in the digital realm with her YouTube channel, “Doctor Battisi,” boasting 11.3k subscribers and 237 videos. Through her channel, she promotes oral hygiene awareness and discusses the dental industry in India. She is also a co-author of the book "Dentistry Unlock." Recently, Dr. Nidhi Arora, BDS and Content Writer at MedBound Times had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Jasmine Singh. Join us as we delve into Dr. Jasmine's transformative journey from a dentist to a content creator.

Dr. Jasmine Singh, BDS, Content creator and co-author of Dentistry Unlock
Dr. Jasmine Singh, BDS, Content creator and co-author of Dentistry Unlock

Dr. Nidhi Arora: Can you tell us about your journey from being a dentist to becoming a content creator?

Dr. Jasmine Singh: My journey has been adventurous, and I am grateful for the immense love and support I have gotten from my amazing audience. I am who I am because of them. I initially started making videos for my patients' awareness, and at that point in time on YouTube, I couldn’t find any Indian dentist who was a blogger creating content, and even very few overseas dentists were making any videos at that time, so it started as awareness for dental patients. Now it covers every aspect of dentistry and my focus is now on dentistry in India.

Dr. Nidhi Arora: What motivated you to take this path?

Dr. Jasmine Singh: My inspiration has been personal because when I was exploring the real world of dentistry after graduation, I needed guidance. And that clearance, or you can say enlightenment, took a lot of years, experience, and hard work, and I wanted to share that with the next generation so that it would save them time and they could proceed with the right speed. And that might bring the change that is required in the Indian dental industry because, see, dentistry in India is hardly 100–103 years old; we completed 100 during COVID-19 times, so it's reaching its adolescence stage right now it has a lot of growing up to do.

Dr. Nidhi Arora: “Doctor Battisi” your YouTube channel, how did YouTube happen?  What made you start your YouTube channel because, as far as I remember, you were one of the first few dentists who were active on YouTube.

Dr. Jasmine Singh: I clearly remember the 1st video that I shot, while editing I cried because, in the back of my mind, I was thinking, what am I doing I am a dentist and here I am making videos. You know when you graduate there is a lot of confusion, you are exploring the real world; you are trying to find yourself, you are clearing your head, you are trying to figure out what you want to do and what you don’t want to do. There is so much aggression, pain, anxiety, and energy but I had to share whatever I had learned. I made those videos for the public, for anybody who has teeth.

“Doctor Battisi" is just not me; it is my patients who have beautiful battisi (set of 32 teeth) and my fellow dentists who help patients by creating beautiful battisi (beautiful smile).

So yes that’s how YouTube happened and now when I look back it shocks me that I have been through those incredible years that made me learn so much.

Dr. Nidhi Arora: Your content covers various topics related to dentistry, such as oral health care, the future of dentistry, and opening of new dental setup how do you ensure your content remains informative and engaging?

Dr. Jasmine Singh: I am still finding ways to engage my audience, so that is a journey a content creator has to figure out forever but yes they do get certain ideas about it and they need to keep upgrading to engage the audience. Regarding keeping it informative I try to make any topic very basic and then make my audience understand it. I like to share my knowledge I don’t want to hold that information I want to share because the more you share the more you gain.

Dr. Nidhi Arora: How are you so consistent with uploading content?

Dr. Jasmine Singh: I don’t think I am as consistent as I was earlier. I did lose my footing in between because I was focusing on my clinic but I am coming back on track.

Dr. Nidhi Arora: In your book "Dentistry Unlock," what key insights or advice do you share with your readers, especially those aspiring to join the dental profession?

Dr. Jasmine Singh: “Dentistry Unlock” is just not a book; it is like someone reading it to you about what will happen in the next 5 years in dental college, so it’s like a guide; it will show you a world that you are about to enter. It is not a very long read hardly 200 to 250 pages—but it might help you decide whether to go for dental education or not because dentistry is not for everybody. It is science plus art; you are an artist, not just a doctor. Dentistry has its own ups and downs.

Dentistry unlock (Co-author: Dr. Jasmine Singh)
Dentistry unlock (Co-author: Dr. Jasmine Singh)

Dr. Nidhi Arora: As someone who has interviewed the founders of Dentalkart, DentalDost, and ToothLens, what have been some of the most valuable lessons you've learned from these successful entrepreneurs in the dental industry?

Dr. Jasmine Singh: This is an amazing question. I have done around forty-eight interviews now, out of them, many were with entrepreneurs, dentists in India, dental companies, and the founders of big companies  and one common conclusion I got from all the interviews has been that India has a huge scope for dentistry. India can be the biggest hub of dental manufacturing of dental materials. India can definitely come into the top 3 manufacturing industries in the coming years. Bharat has a very bright future in terms of that, but we all need to stand together, be it dental students, practicing dentists, labs, or manufacturers.

Dr. Nidhi Arora: The field of dentistry is continuously evolving. What do you see as the most promising advancements and innovations in dental technology and practices for the future?

Dr. Jasmine Singh: Artificial intelligence for sure; I don’t even need to mention that already implants are inserted by robots abroad. Then after that, prevention and detection at an early age, managing the right records, and getting the paperwork out—yes, these three AIs—early detection and prevention will be the next innovation in the dental field.

Dr. Nidhi Arora: You've explored the scope of dentistry abroad by interviewing many international students. How does the practice of dentistry differ in various countries, and what opportunities does the global landscape present for dental professionals?

Dr. Jasmine Singh: By being in conversation with many students or doctors from across the sea brought me to the common ground that it is beautiful that we are all connected in the sense that we all work and want to provide the best healthcare to our patients. Every country has its pluses and minuses, and dentistry has its own pluses and minuses, so when these two are combined, you have to see for yourself what is best for you. So if the said country suits you, go for it, but don’t do anything just because the other person is doing it. Each country is doing great in the field of dentistry; the teeth, head, and neck regions are taken care of no matter which country it is.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Interview to learn about the challenges faced by Dr. Jasmine in opening a dental clinic and the tips and tricks she shared to overcome those challenges, as well as her journey to being featured in Josh Talks.
