Dentist’s Key Role in Obesity Management

A study from Loughborough University has found that dentists could play a key role in obesity management
Studies have found that 1.9 billion adults and 39 million children below five years of age are suffering from obesity. (Wikimedia Commons)
Studies have found that 1.9 billion adults and 39 million children below five years of age are suffering from obesity. (Wikimedia Commons)

A study from Loughborough University has found that dentists could play a key role in weight management. The patients would accept the support from their dentists.

Studies have found that 1.9 billion adults and 39 million children below five years of age are suffering from obesity. Obesity is a global public health crisis faced by a large population.

There are several methods of tackling obesity. Surgeries have been preferred in recent years. Weight loss drugs are seen as a faster approach than traditional methods such as diet and exercise.

Loughborough researchers have been investigating how dentists could help patients with weight management. They have been directly working with dentists, and patients to determine how both parties feel about screening for weight management. They also evaluated how interventions can become a part of routine dental appointments.

The UK's national guidelines advise collaboration between different healthcare services, including dentists. The dental teams can support obese people and motivate them to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Researchers within the University’s Centre for Lifestyle Medicine and Behaviour (CLiMB) found that dentists' participation is low. The teams currently offering weight management support expressed positivity regarding the incorporation of the service into patient evaluations. The public also cooperated with screening procedures and discussions if it was performed sensitively regardless of their weight status.

Jessica Large, a pediatric dentist, and Amanda Daley, a professor of Behavioural Medicine and Director of CLiMB monitored the study. 

It is positive to see that both the public and those within the profession, are supportive of weight screening, discussion, and signposting to support becoming more routine during dental appointments. All health professionals have the opportunity to contribute to reducing obesity and improving health, and these results suggest that with the right support and training, dentists could help in a positive way to achieve this
Dr. Jessica Large, Pediatric Dentist

Dentists consult with most of the population at least once a year, providing an ideal opportunity to screen and intervene to reduce obesity. They also engage in other behavior change interventions such as stopping smoking and dietary advice in connection to reducing sugary snacks and drinks. This puts them in a strong position to address weight concerns.

The initial assessment has shown that members of the public would like to see support from their dentist about weight loss and with obesity levels continuing to grow, an 'all hands on deck' approach is now increasingly necessary

- Amanda Daley, Professor of Behavioural Medicine and Director of CLiMB

The study identified several obstacles faced by dental teams when discussing weight and providing interventions, including concerns about weight stigma, time constraints, and the fear of offending.

Woman doing lower back exercises (Wikimedia Commons )
Woman doing lower back exercises (Wikimedia Commons )

Both necessary training and support are essential if this holistic approach is successful. Advocacy and clear guidance from professional regulatory bodies are also required.

The Obesity Reviews Journal published the paper,” Public and Dental Teams' Views about Weight Management Interventions in Dental Health Settings: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.”

The research has been funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research.  The Research Professorship Award was given to Professor Amanda Daley, with support from the NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre. The next steps include the exploration of the views of the public and dental teams regarding the approaches to weight management. Those approaches require further testing to analyze whether it helps the public to lose weight.



Loughborough University

Journal reference:

Large, J. F., et al. (2024). Public and dental teams’ views about weight management interventions in dental health settings: Systematic review and meta‐analysis. Obesity Reviews.

(Rehash/Dr Anjali KV/MSM)
