NutriScope - Yukti Pahwa

Thrive in the Sustainable Field with Confidence and Knowledge. Yukti Pahwa's insights into the field of Dietitics.
Yukti Pahwa, Pro coach at Healthifyme
Yukti Pahwa, Pro coach at Healthifyme

Name: Yukti Pahwa

Academic Qualification: BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics from Delhi University, India (Admission Batch: 2016)

MSc Nutrition and Dietetics from Amity Institute of Food Technology, India (Admission Batch: 2019)

Healthy Diet
Healthy DietUnsplash

1. Why did you choose this profession?

I myself suffered from many health issues, which is why I decided to become a Dietitian and a wellness coach.

2. How can one become a dietician in India? 

A graduate degree in home science and then a degree in master's food science are preferred. It’s better if you are a registered dietitian.

3. What training, knowledge, or abilities are required for this field?

Patience, hospital internship, client handling, food science, and microbiology, health and fitness knowledge, and, most importantly, empathetic listening.

4. What guidance would you provide a person thinking about this career?

To understand if you are capable of dealing with people and, secondly, if you can stay up to date with the latest research. In our field, we generally have a lot of information floating around. It’s best to know the basics in a proper way.

5. What do you want people to understand right now about a dietitian's job?

That's why it’s not easy; it’s not just providing a diet plan. It’s motivating the client; it’s understanding the person's thought process, personal issues, and where these sudden emotions that eventually affect your eating habits are coming from. It’s not that simple and involves a lot of counseling. People should value a dietitian more and consider consulting them as a precautionary step towards a healthier future.

6. What is the most satisfying thing about your profession?

When users feel happy and see their health getting better. Also, it’s a self-care profession. You can even take better care of yourself and your family.

7. What does a regular work week look like in your profession?

There are lots of calls, appointments, diet planning, motivational sessions, quizzes, and some sales work as well in my company. Lots of reading and research.

8. What part of your job is the most difficult?

Dealing with people's emotions and having the same energy to motivate people daily.

9. We have heard that taking vacations during a patient-centered operation can be a little challenging. What are your views on it?

Yes, it’s tough. People expect you to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. But if you set the right expectations and try to focus on having good communication skills, it can be managed. However, you have to be available via messages.

10. Is consultation the only option available in this field, or are there other options?

Yes, there are research-based and sales-based FMCGs.

11. What is your opinion about the RD exam? Is it necessary to qualify for this exam to practice as a dietician in India, or is it just one choice?

It’s not always necessary.

My family members and friends always ask me about my diet and suggestions, and I offer them happily. But I never compare my food to others, I eat what I feel is right at that moment.  - Yukti Pahwa, Pro coach at Healthifyme
My family members and friends always ask me about my diet and suggestions, and I offer them happily. But I never compare my food to others, I eat what I feel is right at that moment. - Yukti Pahwa, Pro coach at Healthifyme Wikimedia Commons

12. Debunking Myths: Is this true?

You always eat healthy.


You never skip your workout.

False, I do on the days I am very busy or tired, but I make sure it’s my priority to do my workouts, and I never make it my last choice.

You are always well-maintained in your work and personal life.
False. Even I have my ups and downs.

13. Healthy meals can never be tasty.

False; they can be. It totally depends on how you make them and how creative you are with your cooking skills.

14. What kind of diet did you eat while you were growing up? You always used to eat well, right?

Yes, I grew up in a household where my grandmother used to cook healthy foods, and she used to give us everything homemade.

Read a lot and always have science-based facts to back up your theory, and you will do wonders.  -  Yukti Pahwa, Pro coach at Healthifyme
Read a lot and always have science-based facts to back up your theory, and you will do wonders. - Yukti Pahwa, Pro coach at Healthifyme Unsplash

15. Do your friends and family members think you're comparing what they eat when you go out? Do they ask you for guidance or suggestions?

Yes, they always ask me about my diet and suggestions, and I offer them happily. But I never compare my food to others, I eat what I feel is right at that moment.

16. Do you feel burned out when surrounded by patients or clients most of the time?

Yes, sometimes I do. I have my bad days and my good days.

17. Would you suggest this career to someone else if their main goal is to make money in it?

Yes, if you know the right way to market yourself, you can make a lot of money in your career. It’s about your reach and, definitely, your dedication to your work.

18. With so many slimming products or supplements coming up in the market or people opting for crash diets over a balanced diet, do you feel like your industry is becoming more commercialized?

Yes, indeed, but lately I guess sustainability is becoming a trend, and that’s what you should be following the most.

19. What should one be aware of before entering this profession?

You should be patient and a good listener. You should have a problem-solving attitude and a good ability to read and research.

20. Lastly, what message would you like to give future aspirants and the general audience?

My message is that you guys should try to focus on believing in yourself when you enter this field. Since it’s a field with lots of ups and downs and you are a human too, don’t listen to everyone around you; trust yourself. Read a lot and always have science-based facts to back up your theory, and you will do wonders.

