Sexual Performance Anxiety & Premature Ejaculation

SEXUAL PERFORMANCE ANXIETY (SPA) and premature ejaculations are among the most prevalent sexual complaints among youngsters (as much as 25-40 percent).
Though there is a minimal scope of medical treatment of this common entity, the BUSINESS of treatment of this is immense.
Though there is a minimal scope of medical treatment of this common entity, the BUSINESS of treatment of this is immense.Unsplash

SEXUAL PERFORMANCE ANXIETY (SPA) and premature ejaculations are among the most prevalent sexual complaints among youngsters (as much as 25-40 percent).

Though there is a minimal scope of medical treatment of this common entity, the BUSINESS of treatment of this is immense.

The 'Global Premature Ejaculation Treatment' market is expected to reach USD 4,654.00 Million by 2026, most in INDIA and southeast Asia.

Ejaculation or sexual performance is a process involving sympathetic and parasympathetic effects during different stages like arousal, erection, performance, orgasm, and emission.

While most of it (arousal, erection, performance, and orgasm) are a combined synergy of the parasympathetic pathways (restful and tranquil part of the autonomic nervous system), the act of emission or ejaculation (squeezing of seminal fluid) is typically sympathetic (active during stress normally) in nature.

 If there is a (sympathetic) stressful situation, fear, anxiety, embarrassment, guilt, bad relation, lack of bonding, quickie S-act, adultery, porn imitation, or insecurity, the sympathetic activation is enhanced and the result is PREMATURE EJACULATION.
If there is a (sympathetic) stressful situation, fear, anxiety, embarrassment, guilt, bad relation, lack of bonding, quickie S-act, adultery, porn imitation, or insecurity, the sympathetic activation is enhanced and the result is PREMATURE EJACULATION.Unsplash

If there is a (sympathetic) stressful situation, fear, anxiety, embarrassment, guilt, bad relation, lack of bonding, quickie S-act, adultery, porn imitation, or insecurity, the sympathetic activation is enhanced and the result is PREMATURE EJACULATION.

The vicious trap of guilt (sympathetic), accentuates this in an endless loop unless you intervene.

The curious sympathetic innervation of the ejaculatory act and the rest of sexual activity (arousal, erection, performance, and orgasm) being dominantly parasympathetic, was perhaps a design of the nature (evolutionarily) for a quicker act of the ejaculation, facilitating propagation in an insecure jungle (mating couple facing sudden danger in a hostile jungle).

Though there is a minimal scope of medical treatment of this common entity, the BUSINESS of treatment of this is immense.
Why men shouldn't ignore sexual wellness issues

The understanding of this cause (increased sympathetic activity), and simple interventions like relaxation, mindfulness, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), improving self-image/relation, overall health, and safe practice of intimacy help.

Some drugs like serotonin-reuptake inhibitors, phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, serotonergic anxiolytics with prosocial effects, and plant-based alpha-adrenergic antagonists (yohimbine) may help too.

MANAGING the sympathetic system (stress) is the key.

Youth-duping for enhanced power, stamina, frequency, and intensity of sex must be stopped by proper sexual education, sexual hygiene, and emotional discretion.

The BUSINESS built on duping the youth is dangerous.

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