MedSight - Mansi K Sheth

Insights into the Lives of Healthcare Professionals and Students. A glimpse into the life of Mansi K Sheth
Mansi K Sheth, Physiotherapist
Mansi K Sheth, Physiotherapist

Name: Mansi K Sheth

Birth Place: Mumbai, India

Academic Qualification: Bachelor of Physiotherapy from MGM college of Physiotherapy, Navi Mumbai, India (pass out 2014)

Master's in Cardiopulmonary Sciences from Topiwala Nair Hospital, Mumbai Central in 2018

Languages you speak/write: English, Gujarati, Hindi and Marathi

  1. What do you do?

    Physiotherapist by profession.

  2. What’s the best part of your profession? What made you choose this profession?
    The best part is Physiotherapy uses alternative techniques and therapies to heal medical conditions from the root cause and not superficially and thus improving the quality of life in patients.

    Biology as a subject was always close to my heart. I love how the human body can have miraculous healing powers and achieve beyond imagination when trained in the correct way. It was a perfect blend of magic with science which made it very easy to choose this field.

  3. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?

    I am not a reader but I try to read quite often as possible. The last book I read was 'The Happy Mind: A Simple Guide to Living a Happier Life Starting Today’ by Kevin Horsley and Louis Fourie.

  4. What is your favorite dish?

    Sprouted moong with thepla, butter chicken I never deny :)

  5. How would your friend describe you?

    Most of the time they say I am a good listener, an amazing companion, and a fashionista.

  6. Who would you like to travel with?

    With family, friend(s) and solo trip

  7. What is your least favourite subject?

    Politics, can't go beyond that.

  8. What is your favourite subject?


  9. What’s something you wish to change about the world?

    Every individual is different and they have the right to be unique in their own way.

  10. If your journey was a movie, what would it be called?

    I am everything that I imagine.

  11. What are you passionate about?

    To have a huge empire that can create a number of job opportunities.

  12. Best/memorable moment

    Holding my son for the first time.

  13. What do you love to do in your leisure time?

    Painting, sketching and also listening to music with long drives.

  14. What do you hate the most?

    Negative people and selfish motives.

  15. If given a choice, what alternate career would you have opted for?

    Image consultant

  16. What is your dream travel destination?

    Bora Bora

  17. Where would you like to work in future?

    I want to have diverse businesses in every part of the world.

  18. Finally, a Quote you relate to.

    Believe you can and you're halfway there. -  Theodore Roosevelt

  19. What else would you like to tell about yourself?
    You are always welcome for tea and some awesome stories.

