Anand Mahindra Praises Teen's Tech Savvy Move for Monkey Menace; Offers Job Opportunity

Anand Mahindra, who is known for appreciating good deeds, praised Nikita's extraordinary thinking on social media.
Nikita has drawn the attention of internet users and received appreciation from Anand Mahindra, Chairman of the Mahindra Group. (Representational image: Wikimedia commons)
Nikita has drawn the attention of internet users and received appreciation from Anand Mahindra, Chairman of the Mahindra Group. (Representational image: Wikimedia commons)

13-year-old Nikita from Basti district, Uttar Pradesh, saved a possible dangerous monkey attack by utilizing Amazon's virtual voice assistant, Alexa, in a heartwarming demonstration of quick thinking and technological aptitude. The episode, which happened in her sister's home when Nikita was playing with her one-year-old niece, has drawn the attention of internet users and received appreciation from Anand Mahindra, Chairman of the Mahindra Group.

Monkeys broke into the house on the fateful day via an unlocked gate that a guest had mistakenly left open. When the monkeys started to get close, Nikita used her sharp sense of intuition to tell Alexa to make the sound of a dog barking, which scared the monkeys away and kept her and her niece safe. This remarkable act of presence of mind not only saved the day but also earned Nikita widespread recognition.

Anand Mahindra, who is known for appreciating good deeds, praised Nikita's extraordinary thinking on social media. Mahindra praised her as a ray of light in the era of technological progress in his post, stressing that technology is a tool rather than an obstacle that unlocks human creativity. After that, he made Nikita an offer to work for the Mahindra Group, saying he wanted to use her leadership skills in the business sector after she finished her studies.

Social media users were touched by Nikita's heartwarming story of bravery and praised her for her innovative and fast thinking in the face of danger. Many others agreed with Mahindra, emphasizing the value of using technology as a tool for creativity and solving problems. The story is an indication that everyone has the capacity for excellence, regardless of age or background, and it is a monument to the strength of creative thinking.

The story of Nikita emphasizes how crucial it is to remain calm and sharp in the face of unforeseen difficulties. Her ability to make use of technology in an emergency is a perfect example of how innovation can drastically alter daily life. Nikita's story serves as a light of inspiration, reminding us of the limitless potential inherent in human creativity and determination as society continues to deal with changing problems.

By offering Nikita a job offer, Anand Mahindra not only acknowledges her extraordinary bravery but also strengthens his dedication to cultivating talent and promoting an innovative culture within the Mahindra Group. As Nikita begins her journey into adulthood, her incredible achievement represents a tribute to the endless possibilities that await her, driven by determination, innovation, and the constant spirit of humanity.

(Input from various resources)

(Rehash/Susmita Bhandary/MSM)

Nikita has drawn the attention of internet users and received appreciation from Anand Mahindra, Chairman of the Mahindra Group. (Representational image: Wikimedia commons)
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