In a suspected case of road rage, a 29-year-old doctor and her brother were allegedly assaulted by two men in New Ashok Nagar, East Delhi. The two men pulled the doctor’s clothes over a minor scooter collision fight.(Representational Image: Unsplash)
In a suspected case of road rage, a 29-year-old doctor and her brother were allegedly assaulted by two men in New Ashok Nagar, East Delhi. The two men pulled the doctor’s clothes over a minor scooter collision fight.(Representational Image: Unsplash)

Delhi: Doctor and Brother Assaulted Over Minor Scooter Collision

Road Rage in Delhi: Doctor and Brother Assaulted Over Minor Scooter Collision

In a suspected case of road rage, a 29-year-old doctor and her brother were allegedly assaulted by two men in New Ashok Nagar, East Delhi. Two men pulled doctor’s clothes over a minor scooter collision fight.

The accused, who have been arrested, were identified as Rishabh (24) and Zaid (28). Both are residents of New Ashok Nagar. Rishabh drives a taxi, and Zaid works for a company as a computer operator.

Police received information about the fight near the Red Tape showroom at Sarpanch Chowk at 10:12 a.m. on Sunday. A team of local police rushed to the spot and arrested the culprits. The victims, a female doctor, and her brother were sent to LBS Hospital in Khichripur for treatment.

After conducting a medical examination of the doctor, her statement was recorded. The doctor told the police that they were both going to feed stray cows, and her brother was bringing the scooter. Two men on a two-wheeler came to them, and their vehicle brushed against her brother's parked scooter. This minor altercation ensued and escalated into a physical assault.

Two men on a two-wheeler approached them, and their vehicle brushed against her brother's parked scooter.(Representational Image: Unsplash)
Two men on a two-wheeler approached them, and their vehicle brushed against her brother's parked scooter.(Representational Image: Unsplash)

The officer said that the doctor was struck on the head with a key and slapped. They also pulled her clothes, and when her brother intervened, he was punched and beaten.

On a doctor’s complaint, a case was registered at the New Ashok Nagar police station under Sections 323 for punishment for voluntarily causing hurt, 341 for punishment for wrongful restraint, 354 for assault or criminal force on a woman with intent to outrage her modesty, 509 for words, gestures, or acts intended to insult the modesty of a woman and 34 of the IPC.

Further investigation of the case is underway.

(Input from various sources)

(Rehash/Komal Bhoi)

In a suspected case of road rage, a 29-year-old doctor and her brother were allegedly assaulted by two men in New Ashok Nagar, East Delhi. The two men pulled the doctor’s clothes over a minor scooter collision fight.(Representational Image: Unsplash)
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