Delhi Doctor Assaulted and Terrorized at Gunpoint, Held Captive

Dr. Nadeem Ahmed, a doctor working in a North Delhi clinic, lodged a complaint against five men who allegedly attacked and threatened the doctor.
On Friday night, a gang of five men committed a crime of assault against a doctor in Delhi (representational image: Unsplash).
On Friday night, a gang of five men committed a crime of assault against a doctor in Delhi (representational image: Unsplash).

Dr. Nadeem Ahmed, a doctor working at a clinic in North Delhi, lodged a complaint against five men who allegedly attacked and threatened the doctor.

On Friday night, a gang of five men assaulted a doctor in Delhi.

The five men, aged between 16 and 23, hailing from Bajanpur, conspired to attack the doctor under the assumption that the doctor was rich and that threatening him would fetch them money. The doctor lodged a complaint against his attackers on Saturday.

The doctors’ complaint mentioned that the attackers entered the clinic after 8 p.m. under the pretence that one of them was ill and the other four were accompanying the sick. The complaint further stated that the men physically offended the doctor and then terrorised him by showing a locally made pistol and threatened him to pay a ransom amount of Rs five lakhs to be set free. The doctor then pleaded with his offenders and assured them that he would pay them the money, after which he was released.

The complaint further stated that the men physically offended the doctor and then terrorized him by showing a locally made pistol and threatened him to pay a ransom amount of Rs five lakhs to be set free (representational image: Unsplash).
The complaint further stated that the men physically offended the doctor and then terrorized him by showing a locally made pistol and threatened him to pay a ransom amount of Rs five lakhs to be set free (representational image: Unsplash).

The police then filed a case and assigned teams of policemen to identify the attackers. According to the Deputy Commissioner of Police of the Northeast, Joy N. Tirkey, "Two men were spotted using the CCTV record. They were Haider Ali (18), who was arrested, and an under-18 offender who was taken into custody. These two accused then pointed to the others associated with the crime."

The three other accused were Faisal, Saqib, and Zaim. Faisal and Saqib were 18 and 19 years old, respectively, while Zaim was 23 years old. The police then found out that Zaim was the prime culprit who plotted the crime. Based on his plan, Haider followed the doctor and found that there were few patients and staff after 8 p.m., hence they chose the time. The police investigation further identified that Faisal was the one who had carried the weapon and also that the offenders were culprits with a previous history of criminal charges. All of the accused except the minor were arrested and taken into custody, while the juvenile offender was apprehended.

Such incidents of crime against doctors are raising concerns regarding the safety of medical service providers and reminding us of the recent protest staged by Bihar physicians against such attacks.

 (Input from various media sources)

 (Rehash/Bharkhavy K V)

On Friday night, a gang of five men committed a crime of assault against a doctor in Delhi (representational image: Unsplash).
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