Dr. Ankit Kadarge, Bachelor's of Dental Surgery from The Oxford Dental College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (2016-2022)
Dr. Ankit Kadarge, Bachelor's of Dental Surgery from The Oxford Dental College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (2016-2022)

DentiSight - Dr. Ankit Kadarge

Insight into the Lives of Healthcare Professionals and Students. A Glimpse into the Life of Dr. Ankit Kadarge

Name: Dr. Ankit Kadarge (MedBound handle: @Ankit_kadarge)

Birth Place:  Gulbarga, Karnataka, India

Educational Qualification: Bachelor's of Dental Surgery from The Oxford Dental College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (2016-2022)

Languages you speak or write: Kannada, English, Hindi


What do you do?


Currently I'm working as Medical expert in Acko Healthcare Company. My role involves conducting medical examinations for clients with chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension and cancer conditions by collaborating with over 20+ underwriters to deliver accurate medical information for risk assessment while adhering to regulatory standard guidelines.


What prompted you to choose this profession?


Growing up with a sibling with a medical profession, talks of new drugs curing diseases and the invention of new formulas were our regular dinner table conversations. That bore the very seed of passion into the field at an early age. As I grew up, my roots strengthened, and I became adamant about pursuing my career in the healthcare field. In my opinion, nothing beats putting a smile on a patients face or recovering them from an illness.


What is the best part about being a dental student/professional?


One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a dental professional is the opportunity to directly improve people's health and well-being by treating dental issues, alleviating pain, and restoring smiles.


How do you like spending your free time?


I love spending my free time reading books. It's my favorite way to relax and escape into different worlds filled with exciting stories and adventures.


Which is your favorite subject in dentistry and why?


My favorite subject in dentistry is surgery. I find it fascinating because it allows me to delve deep into the intricacies of anatomy through diagrams, which helps me understand the complexities of the human body in a visual and practical way. Additionally, I'm drawn to surgical procedures because they offer a hands-on approach to addressing dental issues, providing immediate solutions and tangible results for patients. The blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application in surgery resonates with me, making it a truly rewarding aspect of dentistry to study and practice.


Which is your least favorite subject in dentistry?


There is no least favorite subject. But in academics, I will go with community dentistry.


What are some studying tips you use to retain and understand things better?


When it comes to studying, I've found that creating concise, organized notes is incredibly effective for retaining and understanding information. Instead of trying to memorize lengthy passages or entire textbooks, I focus on distilling key concepts and important details into short, easy-to-digest notes. This process not only helps me condense complex information but also forces me to actively engage with the material and identify what's most essential.


Which dental procedure(s) you enjoy/anticipate doing the most?


I find myself particularly drawn to surgical procedures in dentistry because of the immediate impact they have on patients' lives and the satisfaction of seeing a smile on their face afterward. Surgical procedures often provide instant results, whether it's relieving a patient from pain, restoring function, or enhancing their appearance.


What do you enjoy more, doing an RCT or extracting teeth?


I thoroughly enjoy performing both root canal treatments (RCT) and extracting teeth, as each procedure offers its own set of challenges and rewards. However, I excel particularly well in extracting teeth, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience for the patient. My proficiency in extractions allows me to efficiently address various dental conditions while prioritizing patient comfort and satisfaction. Whether it's a complex extraction or a straightforward procedure, I take pride in my ability to perform extractions with minimal discomfort and optimal outcomes for the patient's oral health.


What are some challenges you face in your professional field?


In my professional field, I encounter several challenges, with two main ones being raising awareness about dental health problems among patients and effectively managing uncooperative patients.


How would your friends describe you?


They would describe me as an ambivert, someone who can navigate both social and solitary situations with ease. While I enjoy spending time with friends and engaging in social activities, I also value moments of quiet introspection and alone time. My friends appreciate my ability to adapt to various social dynamics and environments, whether it's being the life of the party or enjoying a cozy night in with close companions.


What has been the best/ most memorable moment in your dental school so far?


The most memorable moment in my dental school journey thus far has been forming close friendships with my classmates. Building these bonds has been incredibly meaningful and has enriched my experience in dental school in countless ways. These friendships have provided support during challenging times, made studying more enjoyable, and created lasting memories that I'll cherish long after graduation.


Has dentistry impacted your food choices? Like, do you consume less sugary and sticky food items? 


Yes, absolutely. Dentistry has significantly influenced my food choices. I am much more conscious about consuming sugary and sticky food items because I understand the negative impact they can have on dental health, such as increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Instead, I prioritize foods that are beneficial for my teeth, such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Overall, dentistry has played a crucial role in shaping my dietary habits for the better.


As a dental health professional, what is your dental health care regime?


As a dental health professional, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to me. My dental health care regime includes: Brushing, Flossing, Mouthwash, Healthy diet, Regular dental check-ups.

Overall, I strive to practice what I preach as a dental health professional, prioritizing preventive care and maintaining good oral hygiene habits to ensure the health and longevity of my teeth and gums.

In the future, I am interested in exploring opportunities in the corporate field within the dental industry. - Dr. Ankit Kadarge
In the future, I am interested in exploring opportunities in the corporate field within the dental industry. - Dr. Ankit Kadarge

If given a choice, what alternate career would you have opted for?


Well, I would have opted to become a Veterinarian (Dogtor).


Where would you like to work in the future? 


In the future, I am interested in exploring opportunities in the corporate field within the dental industry. I believe working in the corporate sector would allow me to have a significant impact on a larger scale by addressing dental issues and solving problems that affect a vast number of people's lives. Whether it's developing innovative dental products, implementing oral health initiatives, or shaping dental policies, I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to improve dental care outcomes and promote oral health awareness on a broader platform.


What is your dream travel destination?


My dream travel destination is Switzerland. I have always been captivated by the majestic beauty of mountains and the tranquility of nature, and Switzerland offers the perfect blend of both.


Tell us a secret talent(s) that the world does not know about you. 


I don't have a specific secret talent that comes to mind. However, I believe that everyone has their own unique strengths and qualities that may not always be obvious or easily categorized as a traditional talent. While I may not have a special skill that stands out, I strive to bring my best self to every situation and to contribute positively to the world in my own way.


What are you not very good at?


I'm not quite sure what I'm not very good at. Like everyone, I have strengths and weaknesses, but I haven't pinpointed anything specific that I would consider a significant weakness. I believe in continuous self-improvement, so if there's something I'm not good at, I'm always open to learning and growing in that area.


A quote that resonate deeply with you?


Reflecting on my life, I'm reminded of Steve Jobs' insight that 'You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward.' It's true—I've consistently carried on with my life precisely as I needed, trusting that each decision and experience would eventually reveal its purpose and contribution to my journey.

(DentiSight/Dr. Ankit Kadarge/KB)

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