From a Puducherry Man's Stomach, 13 Hairpins, 5 Safety Pins, and 8 Razor Blades were Extracted

26 sharp metallic objects, including 13 hairpins, 5 safety pins, and 8 razor blades, were removed from a 20-year-old man's stomach by medical professionals at a hospital in Puducherry.
A team of doctors successfully extracted 26 sharp metallic items from  the stomach of a 20-year-old man (Representational Image: Unsplash)
A team of doctors successfully extracted 26 sharp metallic items from the stomach of a 20-year-old man (Representational Image: Unsplash)

In a remarkable medical case at a private hospital in Puducherry, a team of doctors successfully extracted 26 sharp metallic items from the stomach of a 20-year-old man. The procedure, conducted through endoscopy, revealed an astonishing assortment of objects, including 13 hairpins, 5 safety pins, and 8 razor blades.

Hospital authorities explained that the patient had been grappling with psychiatric challenges for an extended period and had been under medication. However, over the past month, he experienced intense stomach pain. Despite visiting multiple medical facilities, the source of his discomfort remained elusive, and he was prescribed ulcer medication.

Nonetheless, the medical team at GEM Hospital opted for an endoscopic examination to uncover the root cause of the problem. To their astonishment, the procedure unveiled a collection of foreign metallic objects within the patient's stomach.

The medical professionals undertook a two-hour endoscopic procedure to meticulously extract the array of objects from the man's stomach. (Representational Image: Unsplash
The medical professionals undertook a two-hour endoscopic procedure to meticulously extract the array of objects from the man's stomach. (Representational Image: Unsplash

The potentially dangerous items had not caused any internal lacerations and had not progressed beyond the stomach, providing a stroke of luck for the patient's well-being.

The medical professionals undertook a two-hour endoscopic procedure to meticulously extract the array of objects from the man's stomach. Doctors suspect that the patient might have ingested these sharp items after mixing them with his food.

Fortunately, the patient's condition remains stable, and he has been discharged from the hospital following the successful intervention. The case stands as a testament to both the remarkable capabilities of medical technology and the dedication of healthcare providers in addressing unusual medical challenges.

(Input from various media sources)

(Rehash/Dr. Nithin G N)
