Japanese Doctors Take Legal Action Against Google Maps Over Unfair Reviews

By making comparisons to infrastructure, the case highlights the importance of Google Maps in Japanese daily life.
Google responded by stating its efforts to reduce inaccurate and misleading content on Google Maps. (Representational image: Unsplash)
Google responded by stating its efforts to reduce inaccurate and misleading content on Google Maps. (Representational image: Unsplash)

63 healthcare professionals in Japan have filed a lawsuit against Google LLC, seeking 1.4 million yen ($9,000) in damages for what they describe as unfair reviews on Google Maps. This unprecedented legal action, initiated by doctors, dentists, medical clinics, and veterinary clinics across Japan, marks the first of its kind targeting a technology giant for platform services.

The lawsuit, filed with the Tokyo District Court, highlights the adverse impact of negative reviews on medical businesses. These professionals argue that the one-sided, anonymous reviews create an unfair impression of their clinics, potentially avoiding prospective patients. Each doctor is seeking 23,000 Japanese yen in damages, reflecting the collective 1.4 million yen sought in compensation.

One of the lead complainants emphasized the challenges faced by medical institutions in responding to such reviews, particularly due to patient-doctor confidentiality regulations. Complicating issues further, healthcare providers cannot openly dispute claims without violating confidentiality, unlike other businesses.

Lawyers representing the doctors assert that Google bears responsibility for failing to address the disadvantaged position of the complainants. Despite efforts to request review deletions, individuals struggle to navigate the process, adding to their burden. The complainants argue that while they uphold patient confidentiality, Google has not taken appropriate action against groundless reviews.

By making comparisons to infrastructure, the case highlights the importance of Google Maps in Japanese daily life. The complainants claim that because Google is so widely used, it should be aware of the negative impact that unjust evaluations have on medical businesses and take appropriate action.

Yuichi Nakazawa, a lawyer for the complainants, highlighted the ease of posting online reviews and the challenges of having them removed. He emphasized the detrimental impact on doctors' work environments as they operate under the constant fear of negative feedback.

It is not right that Google bears no responsibility considering the disadvantaged position of the claimants, adding it is a heavy burden for individuals to request review deletions
Yuichi Nakazawa, Lawyer for the complainants
The complainants claim that because Google is so widely used. (Representational image: Unsplash)
The complainants claim that because Google is so widely used. (Representational image: Unsplash)

The lawsuit also raises concerns about the prioritization of patient satisfaction over medical standards. Clinics focused solely on appeasing patients may compromise the quality of care provided, ultimately harming society's well-being.

Google responded by stating its efforts to reduce inaccurate and misleading content on Google Maps. However, the complainants allege that the criteria for review removal are transparent, and only a few reviews are actually deleted.

This legal battle underscores the broader issue of online reputation management for professionals, particularly in the healthcare industry. As technology continues to shape interactions between businesses and consumers, questions of accountability and fairness on online platforms become increasingly relevant.

The outcome of this lawsuit could have far-reaching implications, not only for Google but for all platforms hosting user-generated content. It serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding online reviews and the challenges faced by professionals in managing their digital reputations.

(Input from various media sources)

(Rehash/ Susmita Bhandary/MSM)

Google responded by stating its efforts to reduce inaccurate and misleading content on Google Maps. (Representational image: Unsplash)
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