The Importance of Communication Skills in Getting a Job in the Healthcare Sector

Effective communication between healthcare providers is crucial for ensuring accurate diagnoses, treatment regimens, and patient care
Assisting patients emotionally, reducing anxiety, and fostering trust all depends on compassionate and empathic communication.

Assisting patients emotionally, reducing anxiety, and fostering trust all depends on compassionate and empathic communication. (Unsplash)


In today's world, strong communication skills have become increasingly crucial for various reasons. However, these soft skills are often overlooked or undervalued. Nevertheless, in the healthcare industry, the significance of effective communication abilities cannot be overstated.

First and foremost, effective communication between healthcare providers is crucial for ensuring accurate diagnoses, treatment regimens, and patient care. Additionally, effective communication within diverse healthcare teams promotes collaboration and teamwork, improving efficiency and patient outcomes.

Effective communication abilities are also essential when dealing with patients and their families. Rapport formation with the client is very crucial since the patient should be comfortable giving his or her proper diagnosis since it's a sensitive topic to talk about the symptoms one is facing.

But when communication is clear, it becomes easier for the patient to give the details of the diagnosis. Healthcare practitioners must communicate medical terms, procedures, and treatment choices to patients in a way that they can comprehend, giving them the information, they need to make wise healthcare decisions. Assisting patients emotionally, reducing anxiety, and fostering trust all depends on compassionate and empathic communication.

Types of communication to master if you are in the healthcare sector:

Empathic Communication:

In the healthcare industry, empathic communication is a crucial component of patient care. It entails paying attention to patients' needs, comprehending their feelings, and expressing empathy and compassion in return.

Here are several justifications for why patient care requires empathetic communication:

Building rapport and trust:

Empathetic communication promotes trust between patients and healthcare professionals. Patients are more willing to divulge pertinent information about their health, worries, and anxieties when they feel heard and understood, which improves diagnosis and treatment outcomes.

Increasing patient satisfaction:

Patients value medical professionals who show compassion and understanding. Patient satisfaction levels may be dramatically impacted by empathic communication, which improves patients' experiences with healthcare.

Addressing emotional needs:

Dealing with health difficulties can be emotionally stressful for many individuals. Healthcare professionals may recognize and respond to these emotional needs through empathic communication, providing comfort and confidence during trying times.

Promoting group decision-making Patients are inspired to take an active role in making healthcare decisions through empathic communication. Healthcare professionals may jointly create treatment plans that reflect the patient's values and preferences by comprehending the patient's viewpoint and concerns.

Increasing treatment adherence:

Patients are more likely to stick to treatment programs and take prescribed drugs when medical professionals speak with empathy. Patients get encouragement and motivation to actively participate in their own care.

Reducing fear and anxiety:

When discussing medical procedures, tests, or diagnoses with a patient, empathy can help reduce their dread and anxiety. Caretakers can lessen patient anxiety by offering emotional support and considerate process explanations.

Dietitian Mrs. Sneha Kantharia Desai describes how empathy made it easier for her to get through a job interview when she first began out in the field.

HR asked me about my level of empathy for others when I first started working as a dietitian as her very first question. When it comes to healthcare industry it's crucial that you respect your patients and pay close attention to any issues they may have and in such situations effective communication plays a very important role.
Dt. Sneha Kantharia Desai, Nutrition coach at Fitterfly Pvt. LTD

Importance of effective communication at the workplace:

Clear communication of roles, duties, and how work is to be done is essential for efficient team formation. Delegating work effectively first requires proper understanding of the workplace. Here, communication is essential.

In the healthcare industry, the potential consequences of miscommunication regarding patient data can be life-threatening, leaving no room for carelessness.

Ensuring patient satisfaction and trust is paramount, as it not only promotes repeat visits but also aligns with the primary goal of prioritizing patient care over financial considerations. However, it is important to acknowledge that while the focus is on providing professional services, considering the financial aspects of healthcare delivery cannot be disregarded. Consequently, recruiters across the industry emphasize the importance of strong communication skills for healthcare professionals.

How can you improve or build better communication:

The Medical Education Cell of MedBound and The MedBound Times, a health journalism platform by MedBound, offer various skill development and clinical internships ranging from clinical case discussion internships, medical internship programs, discussion hub internships, medical content writing internships, and mentorship programs to healthcare students where one gets to interact with healthcare experts and work on multiple projects.

Have a look at some of the internship programs offered by MedBound:


Medical Internship Program (MIP):

Discussion Hub:

CCD Internship (Clinical Case Discussion Internship):

Medical History taking Internship:

Health Communication Internship:

By maintaining an impeccable academic record and actively engaging in extracurricular pursuits and participating in skill-enhancing activities, one can improve their chances of being noticed among a highly competitive pool of applicants.



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To summarize, empathic communication is crucial in patient care due to its ability to cultivate trust, improve satisfaction, address emotional needs, facilitate shared decision-making, promote treatment adherence, and alleviate patient anxiety and fear. It embraces a patient-centred approach that prioritizes the well-being of individuals receiving healthcare services. Consequently, recruiters universally recognize the significance of this skill when evaluating candidates in the healthcare industry.

