Spectacular Medical Feat: Conjoined Twins Separated at AIIMS

Read about the groundbreaking separation of conjoined twins Riddhi and Siddhi at AIIMS, a remarkable medical achievement that showcases the power of modern medicine and dedication
The conjoined twins, Riddhi and Siddhi, were separated on June 8 after a 12.5 hour-long surgery at AIIMS-Delhi (Wikimedia commons)
The conjoined twins, Riddhi and Siddhi, were separated on June 8 after a 12.5 hour-long surgery at AIIMS-Delhi (Wikimedia commons)

Conjoined twins Riddhi and Siddhi, from Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh, underwent a ground-breaking separation procedure at the renowned All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi, and the world saw a spectacular medical feat. The parents of the twins, who were born on July 7, sought specialized care at AIIMS for the twins' birth and eventual separation after learning that they were "Thoracic-omphalopagus conjoined twins" during the fourth month of pregnancy.

The tiny twins spent their first five months at the AIIMS intensive care unit (ICU), where a group of committed medical professionals helped them get ready for the life-altering procedure. When the girls were just 11 months old on June 8, the medical staff began a lengthy 12.5-hour surgery to separate them.

Dr. Minu Bajpai, the head of the department of pediatric surgery at AIIMS, described the twins' unique condition, stating that they had fused rib cages, livers, partially common diaphragms, and fused pericardium. The proximity of their hearts, almost touching and beating together, posed an added challenge. The surgery required intricate precision to ensure both children had sufficient tissue after the separation.

The procedure involved multiple steps, including the separation of the shared abdominal and chest walls, dividing the liver tissue carefully, and dividing the fused rib cage. Additionally, the diaphragm and pericardium, crucial for respiratory and cardiac functions, respectively, were also separated. To enhance the chances of a successful outcome, the medical team kept prosthetic tissues and grafts on standby.

The intensive nine-hour surgery took place after an extra 3.5 hours of pre-and post-operative anesthesia. The twins' family and the medical team were delighted and relieved that the procedure had been a complete success.

Riddhi and Siddhi spent their first birthday together at the hospital after the life-altering separation, surrounded by the compassionate staff who made their new existence possible. The twins' recuperation was closely watched, and they displayed encouraging signs of improvement.

The reputation of AIIMS is built on its innovative surgical successes. The institute successfully separated the craniopagus twins from Odisha, Jagannath, and Balaram, in 2017, setting yet another historic milestone in the field of pediatric surgery.

The triumphant separation of Riddhi and Siddhi is a monument to the limitless possibilities of contemporary medicine and the unwavering commitment of medical experts to improving people's lives. As the twins develop and flourish, their story serves as an example of the value of cooperation, ingenuity, and compassion to the medical community at large.

Follow the Author on MedBound: Dr. Nithin GN (@nithingn96)
