Prerna Mishra,
BSc Nursing from AIIMS Patna, India (2017-2021)

MSc Nursing from AIIMS Rishikesh, India (2021-2023)
Prerna Mishra, BSc Nursing from AIIMS Patna, India (2017-2021) MSc Nursing from AIIMS Rishikesh, India (2021-2023)

The AIIMS Trilogy: Interview with Prerna Mishra on her Journey from AIIMS Patna to AIIMS Delhi

I have developed greater sympathy and empathy towards patients and people.- Prerna Mishra

Name: Prerna Mishra (MedBound handle:@m_prernamishra)

Birth Place: Patna, India

Educational Qualification: BSc Nursing from AIIMS Patna, India (2017-2021)

MSc Nursing from AIIMS Rishikesh, India (2021-2023)

She is going to join AIIMS Delhi as a nursing officer soon.

Welcome to our exploration of campus life. In this interview series, we engage in meaningful conversations with Prerna Mishra to delve into the heart of campus life.

AIIMS Patna (Wikimedia Commons)
AIIMS Patna (Wikimedia Commons)

Hello Prena! welcome to MedBound Times. Please give a brief introduction about yourself to our readers.


Thank you very much Priya. Okay, after completing my 12th standard, I took a year off to prepare for the MBBS entrance exams. However, despite attempting it once, I couldn't succeed in gaining admission. Instead, I decided to appear for the AIIMS B.Sc. Nursing exam.

During that time, I joined because I wasn't sure about my career path. I wanted to do something meaningful initially. However, after spending a year there, I realized that the field of nursing was also vast, with 8-9 subjects, including physiology, anatomy, and many others, which seemed challenging to me.

As a result, I pursued a B.Sc. in Nursing from Patna, which I completed from 2017 to 2021. In August, I finished my B.Sc., and soon after, on either 15th-16th August or 28th August, I enrolled in the M.Sc. Nursing program at AIIMS Rishikesh, specializing in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. My rank in the B.Sc. exam at AIIMS was 183, which is why I chose to go to Patna. I also appeared for the MSc exam at AIIMS and secured a rank of 26. Since Delhi had no OBG specialization, I opted to pursue it there.

I spent the next two years, from 2021 to 2023, completing my M.Sc. Nursing. Although initially, I was uncertain about my career goals, I gradually adapted and now feel more content. I faced a few challenges, like giving the NORCET exam in 2022, but overall, I have not taken any breaks in my professional journey since 2017.

Now, after completing my M.Sc., I feel more confident and at ease with my profession. It's gratifying to be able to care for others and have the opportunity to earn a living while doing so. I am excited about joining AIIMS Delhi and starting a new chapter on 31st July.

Prena Mishra
Prena Mishra

Why did you choose to pursue M.Sc.?


The primary reason for pursuing M.Sc. in nursing is that it serves as the final course in the nursing field. It opens up opportunities to pursue a Ph.D. from external institutions as well. M.Sc. is a two-year program that provides specialization in a particular field. For example, if I choose to specialize in OBG, I can excel in that specific area. Another advantage is that M.Sc. provides a solid foundation for pursuing a teaching career. In the future, if I wish to apply for teaching positions at AIIMS or similar institutions, I will need two to three years of working experience, which I plan to gain through practical work.

Overall, pursuing M.Sc. in nursing offers several advantages, including specialization, the potential for further academic pursuits, and eligibility for teaching roles after gaining practical experience.


 What do you learn from this profession? Or what’s the best part of your profession? 


There have been significant changes in every aspect of my life since I joined the nursing field. I have developed greater sympathy and empathy towards patients and people in general. This profession has taught me many valuable lessons.

In terms of studies, I have always been self-motivated, so I didn't have to put in much effort. However, during my time in Patna, the faculty and environment demanded more dedication, and I witnessed substantial personal growth. Over the four years, several students from my college became gold medalists, including myself, who received silver in the first year and gold for the next three years. We cherish these achievements and take pride in them.

Prena Mishra
Prena Mishra

Tell us something about the campus life at AIIMS Rishikesh.


Regarding the campus of AIIMS Patna, it was initially located on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by a rural environment with mud-dirt areas and modest houses. However, during my four-year stay, I observed significant development in the area. Numerous shops, restaurants, and malls sprung up around the campus, transforming the surroundings.

In terms of my education, I must emphasize that the quality of teaching at Aims Patna was excellent. While some people may not be familiar with the institution, I can vouch for its commitment to providing quality education.

I want to mention that during my MSc studies, I passed my first-year exams, but I am yet to receive the results of my second-year exams.

Overall, my journey in the nursing profession has been transformative, and I feel grateful for the opportunities it has presented to grow personally and professionally.


What skills have you developed during this time period that you believe is essential for successful medical career?


Over the past six years, I have developed the ability to approach and communicate with people effectively. I have gained insights into understanding their thoughts and emotions. It has allowed me to empathize with others and recognize their pain or happiness. I have learned to put myself in their shoes to better comprehend their experiences.

Furthermore, my communication skills have improved to some extent during this period. After completing my MSc, I have noticed a boost in self-assurance.

In the field of nursing, we are often engaged in health talks and health education. These experiences have helped me overcome any hesitation or shyness I may have had. I have become more comfortable in conveying information and educating others about health-related topics.

Prena Mishra
Prena Mishra

Can you tell us the difference in education and facilities between AIIMS Rishikesh and AIIMS Patna?


If we consider the campus aesthetics from a top-to-bottom perspective or face-to-face view, AIIMS Rishikesh appears beautiful due to its location near the flowing river Ganges and picturesque mountains. The interior has impressive glasswork, adding to its charm. However, when it comes to practical aspects such as the structures and buildings, AIIMS Patna fares better. While AIIMS Rishikesh has been designed for visual appeal, it lacks effectiveness in some areas.

For instance, the College of Nursing in Rishikesh occupies a large area with plenty of mirror work, but the classrooms are insufficient to accommodate all students. Ideally, there should be separate classrooms and labs for each year, including MSc, along with distinct rooms for tutors and Assistant Professors, as was the case in Patna.

Regarding the hostels, AIIMS Patna offers better accommodation. In contrast, AIIMS Rishikesh has not utilized its space efficiently. The rooms in Rishikesh may be shared by several Assistant Professors, whereas in Patna, each one had a separate room.

Regarding the establishment of AIIMS, the first one was AIIMS Delhi, and subsequently, six more were established around the same time. These include AIIMS Rishikesh, Patna, Jodhpur, Raipur, Bhubaneshwar, and Varanasi. These six AIIMS were set up in 2012.

Prerna Mishra
Prerna Mishra

 How do you stay updated with the latest medical research and advancement in your profession?


In both B.Sc. and M.Sc. nursing programs, research is an integral part of the curriculum. Being in college allows us to stay updated with the latest information and advancements. We often rely on online searches and platforms like Google to access information indirectly through our phones. This aspect of staying updated is crucial and beneficial.


 Any final message for your upcoming students/juniors? 


I would like to give the same advice to those who are joining the nursing profession. It's essential to focus wholeheartedly on your decision without feeling guilty. While around 98% of students may have initially aimed for MBBS, they end up pursuing nursing. Only around 4-5% of them may genuinely have a passion for nursing from the beginning.

So, if you find yourself in this field, embrace it honestly and commit to it. Throughout the four years of study and practical experiences in hospitals, be dedicated and sincere to your chosen profession. Remember, being honest with yourself and your decision will lead to a fulfilling and successful journey in nursing.

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