Dr. Saranya V, MDS, Orthodontics, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi and BDS, Tamil Nadu Government Dental College and Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Saranya V, MDS, Orthodontics, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi and BDS, Tamil Nadu Government Dental College and Hospital, Chennai

An Orthodontist's Odyssey: Dr. Saranya V on Entrance Exams, Residency, and Beyond (Part I)

Dr. Saranya V shares her journey in securing her desired orthodontics residency, and her experiences in academics, clinics, and research in the residency
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In this insightful interview, Dr. Nirainila Joseph from MedBound Times engages with Dr. Saranya V, a final-year Resident Orthodontist at Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences in New Delhi. Previously, she completed her BDS degree at Tamilnadu Government Dental College, Chennai.

Dr. Saranya V discusses the rigorous preparation required to secure a coveted residency in the desired institution. She delves into her residency experience, encompassing academics, clinical practice, and research, and reveals how she skillfully balances these demanding aspects of her career. She also shares valuable tips for aspiring dental students preparing for postgraduate entrance exams.


Dr. Nirainila Joseph: Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?


Dr. Saranya V: Hi. I am Dr. Saranya V, a final year Resident Orthodontist at Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi. I did my under graduation from the prestigious Tamilnadu Government Dental College, Chennai.


Dr. Nirainila Joseph: How did you prepare for the NEET MDS entrance exams that helped you secure a seat in a prestigious dental college?


Dr. Saranya V: My preparation journey is a bit complicated. It had its ups and downs. When I gave my NEET for the first time in 2020 immediately after my internship my rank was 1047. I was deeply disheartened. I am from a very humble financial background so it was either a government seat or nothing for me. This was my motivation throughout my preparation for the next year when I took a break. It was exactly the time when the COVID-19 pandemic started and we all know how that year was.

It was extremely difficult in the initial months when I had to find the motivation every single day to study when there was so much negativity and uncertainty around me. I decided that I will not see these circumstances not as a hindrance but rather as an opportunity for me to focus more on my preparation. I decided to take it one day at a time. I used to study 8-10 hours per day during my break year.

Whenever I felt that the prep was consuming me I always made sure that I took a break watched a movie or read a book or just relaxed doing nothing. The main thing is to trust the process and believe in yourself. I trusted the process and I got the All India fifth rank in NEET MDS 2021. Then I got my PG in the department I wanted and the college of my choice. That's how it all fell in place.

Dr. Saranya V chose Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences (MAIDS) because it was the top government institution in India with an extraordinary orthodontics program.  (Dr. Saranya V)
Dr. Saranya V chose Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences (MAIDS) because it was the top government institution in India with an extraordinary orthodontics program. (Dr. Saranya V)

Dr. Nirainila Joseph: Wow! That's great! Can you share what inspired you to pursue Orthodontics as a specialization? What drew you to your current dental college?


Dr. Saranya V: Orthodontics! It's such a mysterious specialty. In undergrad, we are not exposed much to orthodontics. The removable appliances are just a small part in the vast specialty of orthodontics. So like every other UG student, I was also curious about this branch right from the start of my clinical postings. And also I had some great faculty and mentors in my UG college like Dr. Sridhar Prem Kumar, Dr. Mohammed Iqbal, Dr. Sofitha MD. The way they taught the subject and their passion towards this field greatly impressed me and made me choose this specialty. The reason for me to choose MAIDS was that it was the top most government institution in India with an extraordinary orthodontics program. So the choice was simple.


Dr. Nirainila Joseph: As someone who excelled in MDS entrance exams, you are the ideal person to offer advice to aspiring dental students. What would you like to say to aspiring dental students who are preparing for MDS entrance exams?


Dr. Saranya V: My advice to the aspirants is to believe in yourself and keep pushing yourselves a little extra every single day. Initially you might find that there are so many subjects to cover and it is quite scary in the beginning. Start focusing on one subject at a time, complete that subject and then think about the next subject. Focus more on the MCQs. Though all subjects are equally important, give a little extra importance to the clinical subjects because that's where u can score the maximum. Revision is the key. Revise as many times as possible.

Dr. Saranya V's advice to NEET MDS aspirants is to start focusing on one subject at a time, complete that subject, then think about the next subject and revise as many times as possible. (Representational image: Unsplash)
Dr. Saranya V's advice to NEET MDS aspirants is to start focusing on one subject at a time, complete that subject, then think about the next subject and revise as many times as possible. (Representational image: Unsplash)

Dr. Nirainila Joseph: That's valuable insight. Now, what advice would you give to dental students considering pursuing orthodontics as a specialization?


Dr. Saranya V: Orthodontics is a very exacting specialty. It requires a lot of clinical skills and treatment planning to finish a case. The most important aspect of orthodontics is 'patience' because you will not see the results in a day or a week it takes months and years to complete a case perfectly.


Dr. Nirainila Joseph: Given the challenges in postgraduate dental education in India, what advice would you give to students who haven't scored top marks for securing a seat government colleges? Should they continue practicing dentistry while preparing for future attempts or take a break from practicing dentistry to prepare for future attempts or explore alternative pathways?


Dr. Saranya V: It depends on the individual and their goals. If you want a government seat in a good college, I would say that it's still okay to take a break year or two but not more than that. There are always other better options available either in clinical practice or in other branches.

Dr. Saranya said balancing clinical work and academics as a PG resident is demanding. It requires effective time management and careful planning to also allow for personal time. (Dr. Saranya V)
Dr. Saranya said balancing clinical work and academics as a PG resident is demanding. It requires effective time management and careful planning to also allow for personal time. (Dr. Saranya V)

Dr. Nirainila Joseph: Hope aspiring students are taking notes on your valuable advice. Now let's talk about your orthodontics residency. What aspects of your undergraduate dental curriculum, and clinical training proved to be particularly valuable as you transitioned into postgraduate orthodontic studies?


Dr. Saranya V: The basic clinical skills like impression making, model preparation and wire bending helped me a lot in my initial days of PG. But as time progressed I learned newer things which are unique to orthodontics.


Dr. Nirainila Joseph: How do you balance academic demands and clinical responsibilities in your postgraduate studies?


Dr. Saranya V: It is quite demanding on a PG resident to balance clinics as well as academics. The key factor that plays an important role in any PG program is time management. We have to plan our patient work and academics well in advance and allow ourselves to have some leeway for personal time as well.


Dr. Nirainila Joseph: Beyond academics, have you participated in any research projects related to orthodontics? If so, how have these experiences impacted you?  


Dr. Saranya V: Yes, I have conducted an inter-disciplinary research for my thesis. My research project involved other specialties nanotechnology and microbiology. It was very interesting to learn more about these fields in addition to orthodontics. The interaction and knowledge I gained from the scholars of these fields helped me a lot in my thesis.

The academic discussions, infrastructure, support, and guidance in Dr. Saranya V's department have greatly expanded her knowledge and helped her become an efficient orthodontist and experienced clinician. (Dr. Saranya V)
The academic discussions, infrastructure, support, and guidance in Dr. Saranya V's department have greatly expanded her knowledge and helped her become an efficient orthodontist and experienced clinician. (Dr. Saranya V)

Dr. Nirainila Joseph: Studying at a institution like MAIDS is no small feat. How has being part of a prestigious dental college enriched your educational experience and professional development?


Dr. Saranya V: The academic discussions we have in our department during every presentation has expanded my knowledge immensely. The infrastructure, the support and the guidance I receive here are incomparable. It has helped me a lot to build myself as an efficient orthodontist and an experienced clinician.


Dr. Nirainila Joseph: Have you had the opportunity to attend any orthodontic conferences during your program so far? If so, which ones and how was your experience?


Dr. Saranya V: I have attended more than 20 conferences, workshops, symposiums, and hands on programs in my residency so far. I have learned newer techniques, excellent clinical tips, and interacted with the stalwarts in this field during these sessions. These sessions are the place where to get to meet your peers and it always promotes stimulating interactions.

Dr. Saranya has attended more than 20 conferences, workshops, symposiums, and hands on programs in her residency so far. (Dr. Saranya V)
Dr. Saranya has attended more than 20 conferences, workshops, symposiums, and hands on programs in her residency so far. (Dr. Saranya V)

Dr. Nirainila Joseph: Commending your remarkable dedication to professional development through attending numerous conferences and workshops, could you share some challenges you've encountered during your postgraduate studies, and how you have overcome them?


Dr. Saranya V: One of the major challenges I encountered was the difficulty in managing my academics along with patient work. Initially it was quite difficult to find the time for academics but with time I learned to balance and plan my work.

Stay tuned for Part II of the interview!

Dr. Saranya V, MDS, Orthodontics, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi and BDS, Tamil Nadu Government Dental College and Hospital, Chennai
Denti-Sight - Dr. Saranya V