Pune: Two Patients in Critical Condition After Blood Bags Swapped at Aundh Hospital

Following a serious mistake by a nurse, two patients at Aundh District Hospital in Sangvi are now battling critical conditions.
The situation came to light when doctors, noticing the declining health of the patients under their care, recommended blood transfusions as part of their treatment plan. (Representational Image: Pixabay)
The situation came to light when doctors, noticing the declining health of the patients under their care, recommended blood transfusions as part of their treatment plan. (Representational Image: Pixabay)

Following a serious mistake by a nurse, two patients at Aundh District Hospital in Sangvi are now battling critical conditions. The situation came to light when doctors, noticing the declining health of the patients under their care, recommended blood transfusions as part of their treatment plan.

Unfortunately, a serious mistake took place during the transfusion procedure when the nurse administered the incorrect blood group to the patients by mistake. As a result of these transfusions, complications rise, leading to the immediate transfer of both patients to the intensive care unit (ICU).

After receiving the information, Chinchwad MLA Ashwini Jagtap promptly visited the site and sought explanations from both the attending doctor and the concerned nurse. She has directed the hospital administration to take strict action against the implicated nurse, condemning the disregard for patients' lives.

Moreover, the hospital administration has been ordered to prioritize the treatment of the affected patients without delay. This incident emphasizes a troubling pattern of recurrent complaints at Aundh District Hospital, underscoring an increased risk to patient safety.

Unfortunately, B-positive blood was administered mistakenly to Dattu Sonawane by the attending nurse; however, his blood group was A-positive. (Representational Image: Pixabay)
Unfortunately, B-positive blood was administered mistakenly to Dattu Sonawane by the attending nurse; however, his blood group was A-positive. (Representational Image: Pixabay)

During Dattu Sonawane’s hospitalization on March 23, doctors performed a blood test on him. After the test, hospital staff advised him to undergo a blood transfusion. Unfortunately, B-positive blood was administered mistakenly to Dattu Sonawane by the attending nurse; however, his blood group was A-positive. Similarly, despite his blood group being B-positive, Dagdu Kamble, occupying the adjacent bed, received A-positive blood despite his blood group being B-positive.

Dattu Sonaji Sonwane, a resident  of Aundh’s Indira Colony, was admitted at 4 p.m. on March 21 because of respiratory distress. During the examination, he had symptoms including swelling in the extremities and abdominal bloating. As a result, physicians advised a hospitalization of two to three days for treatment.

The patient’s kin has raised serious allegations of negligence, asserting that the attending nurse was distracted by a phone call while performing the blood transfusions for Dattu Sonawane and Dagdu Kamble. Meanwhile, families have raised their voices over the hospital's lax approach and the alleged negligence of the attending nurse, contributing to the critical condition of both patients.

(Input from various sources)

(Rehash/Komal Bhoi/MSM)

The situation came to light when doctors, noticing the declining health of the patients under their care, recommended blood transfusions as part of their treatment plan. (Representational Image: Pixabay)
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